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A suspected Places That Is, but it is unclear who created it and where its tether lies.   Mirigang is a majestic river that, despite not being a know Place That Is, keeps getting reported from travelers over and over again. Stunningly, all of them mention the river by name, despite no one ever having told them about it before. Somehow, they simply know that's what it likes to be called. Descriptions also vary: from a wide, calm river full of fish, easy to cross, to a violently churning chasm of water full of frenzied, flesh-eating fish. But what always remains the same is the sense of awe people feel when gazing upon the river, its size and the knowledge of its name.   Interestingly, the weather seems to always match the current mood of the river, to the point that camping to wait out the storm to cross will lead to a neverending storm pounding the travelers until they leave again. Some people theorize that Mirigang is not actually a geographic feature, but a living being, while others think it more likely to be a Place That Was of a powerful being.   Archie Donegal is very interested in all tales of the river, since it seems to have been the place where his father started getting into fights with his guides. Also, his brothers who got lost told him stories of the river as well - though for them the awe had an immense feeling of repudiation mixed in.
Natural Wonder

Cover image: Mountain Walk by Lili Popper


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