Rii'Kuna Character in Travels of Thorvik Lorefinder | World Anvil


Ancient dragons hold a considerable amount of magical power in the world. Rii'Kuna was one of the most powerful in Taeferra. Unfortunately for them, their end was neither majestic nor honorable. Their home had been in Delgorad, a country now full of horror and death, a hellscape created by none other than Rii'Kuna. Their tale may now be ended in darkness, their name spoken with a mix of sadness and fear, but they led a long life that had plenty of beauty and light.
  From a young dragon, Rii'Kuna had been a gentle creature fascinated with tiny plants and animals. They would perch high in the trees and learn the songs of the birds, joining with them in the morning chorus as they greeted the dawn. The older they got, the less able they were to climb the trees, but would sit at the base, where a few birds would alight on their horns. Music became their passion, and they went on to travel the world, their goal to discover and mimic as many different birdsongs as they could. This, their family had told them, was a waste of their power, but none interfered. In fact, it was through song Rii'Kuna found the heart of their power.  

The Dragonsong

  Rii'Kuna discovered that within everything is an amount of magic, sometimes just the tiniest of threads, but all of it could be manipulated and crafted with certain vibrations. In this way, they were able to sing plants into being more than they initially began as, could transform stone and wood into different shapes, whether practial or decorative. The world around them could be manipulated however they wished. It could also be destroyed or broken at a discordant note, something they learned through their trials and errors. Sometimes they could fix it, but more often than not the change was irreversible. They spent long years perfecting this talent, tucked away in a remote corner of the world where they would not cause any issues. When they were confident in their skill, they left to share their Dragonsong with the rest of the world.   It was this talent that carved the foundations, buildings and statues of some of the most beautiful cities that still stand today. Many are the homes of dragons, some of which are entirely unknown and have never been seen by another creature. Rii'Kuna taught those who had a semblance of the talent, but it was only ever a mere echo of their own.  

A Tragic End

  No-one can be sure of where or how Rii'Kuna fell ill, but the disease that struck them was utterly devestating. This disease not only ravaged their body, corrupting them into something almost unrecognisable, but it corrupted their Dragonsong. Their pained screams echoed across the landscape, and it is theorised that this is how insanity spread to the inhabitants of Delgorad. Yet there was something more malicious at work, something that enhanced Rii'Kuna's power and seemed to direct it in ways beyond the dragons control until, in a rare moment of clarity, they took a drastic action to silence themselves. Unfortunately, this moment came too late, the damage was done. The disease continued to destroy Rii'Kuna, and while there are folks who might doubt it, what remains of their body now lies deep beneath the sands and dirt in the heart of Delgorad.

Quick Facts

  Pronouns: They/Them

Mourning a Hero

  Dragons, being longer lived, have equally as long memories. It is far easier for them to remember the glory days of Rii'Kuna, than focus on the tragic way their life ended. It is not so for other creatures, who do not give as much honour to the memory of Rii'Kuna as the dragons do.

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Jul 3, 2024 07:45

I absolutely LOVE that music was Rii'Kunas preferred and perfected way of using magic. Just.. aaa! I can see the harmonics forming with the birds that would amplify her magical abilities.   It is a shame that she had to go down this way. What evil could corrupt such a gentle soul with unique abilities...

Jul 3, 2024 09:57 by AP.

Thank you! Yeah I'd like there to be a fun little scene where Rii'Kuna is singing with the birds and accidentally changes the colour of one or something minor like that which is how they discover the ability.   Yeah, I don't like myself for creating then destroying this character! We will find out soon about the evil....I hope...

Jul 3, 2024 14:03 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Noooo, poor Rii'Kuna. ;-; The fact the disease corrupted their song is so cruel and tragic.

Jul 3, 2024 19:40 by AP.

It is, I'm sorry, I felt horrible writing it because I love Rii'Kuna. T.T

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