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Wanderer's Charm

The Wanderer's Charm can take a variety of styles and sizes, but it is always circular and bears the four cardinal directions of a compass rose. Some bear little more embelishment than these simple shapes, yet others are true works of art with miniscule details carved or woven into the design. This charm is carried by any who lead a nomadic lifestyle, or is gifted to those about to embark on a long journey. The meaning behind this symbol varies from person to person, but invariably it is believed or hoped that it will protect the bearer as they travel.
Some folk hold the Wanderer as a deity, perhaps of mortal descent, who watches over all journeys. Others believe they are nothing other than a figment of imagination, a being created from peoples need for something or someone greater to place their trust and hope in. There are folks who may not truly believe in the Wanderer, yet nevertheless will leave offerings at small shrines and ask for protection, not daring to take the risk of potentially offending them if they do exist.   There was a controversial case amongst the religious community of travellers when word spread that some shops were offering to create and enchant these charms to always point in one particular direction, either to the bearers home or to another place of significance. To those who believe and follow the Path of the Wanderer this spoke of placing trust not in their god, but in magic. Despite their attempts, these shops remain open and in business, albeit a slow business due to the cost such enchantments incur.   Not all charms have a religious sentiment attributed to them, some bear them as a token of rememberance, whether to return home safe, or to simply enjoy the journey wherever their path may lead. Rather than believing in a god to look after them, they often view the charm as a lucky token that may or may not help them.


  Wanderer's Charms are made from a variety of materials, most commonly wood or metal. Often they are crafted using locally sourced materials to provide a more tangible connection with the bearer and their home. Some go so far as to have a tiny glass vial fixed in the center to hold a literal piece of their homeland, whether that is soil, leaves or water. These are considered precious to any who own them, but they are rarely made from precious materials.

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Jul 17, 2024 12:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the controversial nature of the charms that are imbued with magic. I can see why religious folk would not be happy about it. Undeniably rather useful though, to have a charm that always points to home.

Jul 17, 2024 12:59 by AP.

Thank you Emy! Yeah it would definitely be helpful. I might expand on that some more later.

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