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Adamant Queen of Aspída

Commander Aellai Théos Kidemónas (a.k.a. Hydra)

Hydra is a smaller framed woman with an incredibly imposing presence. She gives off a thick energy of veteran prowess and power, covered with battle scars and always in at least a few pieces of armor. She is the chief executive and sole commander of Aspída Lodge, taking over leadership of the group by the impressively young age of 20. She is responsible for Aspída's hierarchy of command, imposing and respected reputation, and the expansion of the organization past what it previously was, only in Kankou and some agents scattered in Ybele. She sends Lance Knights anywhere there is work within the continent, and expanded minor headquarters lead by Lieutenants into Luquoia, Elmsbrae, and as far off as Areya.
Hydra is an incredibly strong willed individual, leading with an iron fist and organized and pragmatic to a fault. Being raised in Nourítíaní, she grew to harbor the traits common to many of the urbanites raised in the same bustling and unpredictable environment– resilience, courage, street knowhow, and an inevitable fighting spirit. She is known for her cold attitude towards everyone and every job she is offered, making hard decisions without flinching and not softening to anyone's demands or pleas. Some call her merciless, where those under her would correct the statement, saying that she is only merciless to those who don't deserve mercy, and everyone she doesn't acknowledge, every other person in the world, is being shown mercy.
Hydra does not talk about her childhood, and rarely she will mention anything about how she came to power in the organization, just that she recreated it from an unruly, unproductive mafia to a well functioning, order maintaining machine. She is a moderate-level battlemaster fighter, seemingly from the earlier parts of her life, and a high level conquest paladin. The God she is attributed to is Helm, the great guard– a very old deity without many modern followers, especially in Kankou.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hydra is a fit, small framed human woman who would look young for her age if not for the battle experience visible on her face and in her battlescars. She has a constant, imposing glare on her pale face, with narrow, grey observant eyes. She is extremely strong for her size, and could suplex or tackle a 6'2, 205lb man without much effort.

Body Features

Hydra is short and seemingly thin, but upon closer inspection she has notable lean muscle across the whole of her body. She has many battlescars, mostly in the form of slashes, across her entire body, each one quite visible due to the paleness of her skin contrasting with darker gashes and strokes of pinks and reds. She doesn't have very notable curves, and for the most part her build is naturally smaller framed.

Facial Features

A seemingly constant knowing glare is evident on her angular features, her light grey eyes naturally narrow and piercing and her lips on the thinner side typically in a neutral show of no emotion or an intimidating scowl. Her hair is platinum and hard to distinguish between a very light, almost white premature grey and a very desaturated platinum blonde. It is straight and relatively thin, parted on the side, falling to about her mid-back, and she tends to wear it both up and down, depending on the situation at hand. She has a patterned undercut low on one side of her head, usually shown by way of some of the hair above it braided tightly against her head, falling back behind her ear.

Identifying Characteristics

• Very imposing glare
• Angular features
• Light Wintery Color Scheme (light grey eyes, pale skin, platinum hair).
• Typically Halfplate Armor; uniform and adorned with badges and symbols of rank and achievement.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hydra was born and raised in Nourítíaní. She does not talk about her childhood, but her light, pure human traits (hair, skin, eyes) suggest that her family is not native to Kankou, meaning they were either nobility or descended relatively directly from nobles/wealthy immigrants to Kankou in the last 100 or so years. There are many rumors on this topic, some saying that Hydra was at one point the heir to a noble family who faked her death, or that she was from a family of nobles that were killed in a series of massacres against the aristocracy in Nourítíaní occurring between 1481 and 1492. Some even say she killed her parents for their wealthy corruption. None of these rumors have been proven, and technically nor has her noble bloodline. Hydra came to power over Aspída towards the end of the Nourítían massacres, in 1491. She, along with two drow siblings– the youngest an late-teenage girl and a eldest a young man– and another young man looking to be a rebellious tiefling native, fought in one of the largest, bloodiest street riots in the massacres and over the course of it all became leading, organizing figures of the rebellion. Hydra managed to unite and command the Aspída Lodge members, at the time a chaotic spread of mafiosos and unruly mercenary bounty hunters, into essentially destroying all Royal Marines in the area until those who remained were backed up to the small, noble part of the city. Victorious for the first time in years and with whatever structure originally built within the Lodge long since broken, Aspída embraced a young, new leader, who preached reforms and new beginnings in an age of respect for mercenary, protectorate work for the sake of the people. She offered grand ideas of taking back the city's noble hall, ransacking their excess goods and redistributing them, making Nourítíaní a stronghold where the rest of the country could be transformed from. With such inspiring words and such an influential aura, Hydra took power easily that evening without a single objection.
Everyone living within the city state was shocked and devastated that night. The city had been previously breezy, cool for the night, with it's typical rolling fog seeping between the closely-packed buildings. A few hours past midnight that coolness was chipped away until the citizens en mass woke to a massive fire, one that was attributed to ships of the Royal Marines hurling cannonballs and flaming projectiles into buildings, homes, and piers on each individual island and peninsula. Unlike a street fight or battle, this was something Hydra could not properly counter. She could sail, and she had many under her control who could sail, but it was too late to prevent the damage done and she didn't have the resources to go against the full power of the Royal Marines at the last moment.
The Aspída Lodge spent the rest of the night and into the day putting out fires– fires that spread with ease even through the fog due to the urban buildings being close together, crowded, and for the most part cheap in material. When each one was assigned a group of members of the Lodge to help, Hydra and her outcast trio marched directly to the governmental estate of Nourítíaní and struck down every person not allowing her passage until getting to the Duke, who spoke with her under the fear of her blade at his throat, and her companions blocking the door and his movement. She realized, even through her anger, that completely overtaking the government wasn't something she could currently achieve. As such, they agreed through many threats and argumentation that the government will not interfere with the Aspída Lodge's activities as a protectorate both against urban crime and corruption, as long as they do not continue with the city's era of massacres. A doctrine was signed, and though Hydra was not, and to this day is not satisfied with the tragedy of the night, she came to the conclusion that she must build up the Lodge in order to get any further in preserving justice.


Morality & Philosophy

  • We are the strong and we must defend the weak and innocent.
  • Be vigilant. Stand, wait,and watch carefully.
  • Anticipate attacks and be ready. Know your foes.
  • Care for your weapons so they may perform their duties when called upon.
  • Strength is not something you are born with, it is something you earn when living through hardship and it is something you earn upon putting in effort, blood, sweat, and tears.
  • Any type of prejudice on the battlefield can only lead to weakness and an increase in casualties.
  • Demonstrate excellence and purity of loyalty in your role as a guardian and protector.
  • Letting your mourning for the dead get in the way of what you do is pointless. We fight to keep them alive, that is all.
  • Survival of the Fittest.
  • If a government or nobility is apathetic and unjust it deserves any injury coming to it, including violent revolt of the people or breaking it's laws to create better order and justice.
  • All fears are rooted in the fear of death, loss, or pain. Once you come to terms with all of those things being inevitable no matter how cautious you are, fear becomes obsolete, and your life becomes your own.

Personality Characteristics


Protect the innocent and destroy those who commit acts of injustice. Maintain order, fight for justice, and earn respect.


Religious Views

Hydra is a close follower of the old deity Helm, and is a powerful paladin of Helm. Helm is a god of guardians, protection, and order. Her oath was that of Conquest, but with additional specific tenets to Helm's ideals, such as establishment and maintaining of order, protecting the weak/innocent, and using pragmatism in times of battle to be analytical and efficient. She took up faith with this god in her adolescent years, and beforehand was raised in Kankou's most common religion and practices of Nuritia.

Social Aptitude

Anyone who knows of Hydra knows she is terrifying and powerful, cold and capable of cruelty towards those who wrong her or others. She has a strong commanding presence and her charisma is less of a charming one and much more prominent in the areas of intimidation, deception, and persuasion. No one knows of her true ego, but the way she comes off is with a strong self confidence.


Hydra has a low, clear, commanding, monotonous voice that is typically very cold, precise, and cutting. Her vocabulary is quite keen and in using it she comes off even more capable and knowing of what she's doing at any given time. Around people she has more trust in her voice gets slightly rougher, a bit more expressive, and she will swear more regularly like the typical sailor urbanites of Nourítíaní. She has a slight Kréolosí accent when around said trustworthy people that is very common in Nourítíaní.



Superior Officer/Friend (Important)

Towards Captain Mercutio Makari



Captain Mercutio Makari

Subordinate/Friend (Vital)

Towards Hydra




She hired Merkoutío off the street after seeing how he fights and as such knows him personally, though they don’t talk often due to the nature of their jobs; Ziko constantly moving and Hydra's rank being a very busy and prestigious one. He sees her as his Commander, but also as a trusted source of wisdom. She likes him quite a bit, as he's one of the more personable Lance Knights (as they can tend to be either overly prideful or more often then that, suck up to her) along with Malacai and one or two others out of the 13. She considers him a promising and resilient young man, capable of becoming a powerful leader if he manages to stay sane and out of trouble long enough to get to that point– though she values his bravery and lack of fear highly, she also sees that he is quite reckless and can be driven by passion and emotion at times overcoming his natural analytical mind. This bond was formed in Merkoutío's promotion to the rank of Lance Knight from Privateer, in which he and Malacai nearly died during a raid in the Ybelan city of Vejanacci, and she feared for their wellbeing after hearing that it resulted in a massive explosion, a fire on the top floor where they were, and the both of them ending up unconscious in a burning building. Upon seeing their safe return she broke her typical demeanor and admitted to caring for them both deeply. She tries to be professional as possible and moments like this are very rare due to her professional nature and keeping up appearances, but this moment is why Ziko sees her as much more human than most of those who know of her.

Nicknames & Petnames

• Merkoutío is one of the few Lodge members who she has told her true first name, Aellai. He will not call her this unless given express permission or being deathly serious about something.
• Knowing Ziko is a false first name that Merkoutío gave himself upon not knowing his actual name, Hydra will sometimes call him Arés instead. There is not really a reason for this, mainly she just doesn't think his self-given name suits him and that this one is more fitting. That being said, she isn't aware Ares is his legitimate middle name and upon learning this she may attribute it to intervention by the divine.

Relationship Reasoning

Merkoutío is a subordinate under Hydra's command, and as such they need to maintain some connection in order for the career to function. They also maintain connection because they are strange, yet definite friends.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Commonalities Shared Interests
Career-Level Aspída Lodge Officers Sparring/An Honorable Fight
Born/Raised in Kankou Hunting
Strong, Vicious Fighters Sailing
Started Martial Training via Street Fights Mythos 
Strong Willed Leaders/Protectors Good Ol Fashioned Arm Wrestling Matches
Rebellious Souls Untrusting of Any Form of Government Athletic Competition

Shared Acquaintances

Malacai Lykaios

Legal Status


Malacai Lykaios

Subordinate/Friend (Important)

Towards Hydra




Superior/Friend (Important)

Towards Malacai Lykaios



Shared Acquaintances

Legal Status


Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
First Commander Hydra of the Aspída Lodge
• Διοικητής Ύδρα του Προτεκτοράτου Aσπίδα
• Ύδρα
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1471 ACE
Nourítíaní, Kankou
Current Residence
Nourítíaní, Kankou
Platinum/Light Grey, Straight, Mid-Back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ivory, Battlescarred
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Common (Fluent)
  • Kréolos (Fluent)
  • Infernal (Fluent)
  • Undercommon (Conversational, Nearly Fluent)
  • Celestial (Reading)
  • Thieve's Cant (Fluent)

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