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Lieutenant is the second highest rank in the Aspída Lodge, equal in rank and power to Lance Knight. Lieutenants are primarily in charge of the Aspída Lodge's various bases and headquarters in the Sovereign State of Kankou as well as other countries nearby and even across the continent. The rank is very coveted and respected as it is hard to achieve and very selective. There are only 15 Lieutenants known to the Lodge, all of which were picked out and made official by Commander Hydra herself.
The Lieutenant's tasks include higher up business-centric ordeals for the protectorate as a whole or specific regions and/or major situations. The work can vary from recruiting and making official promotions or demotions, arranging and executing ambassadorial meetings, controlling the distribution of arms, gear, armor, and other assets, strategizing in military ordeals, managing the Lodge's archives, and so on. Most Lieutenants primarily hold jurisdiction over specific quadrants or bases, managing headquarters that are essential for all other Lodge ranks to function. Headquarters are necessary as places for officers to go to turn in essential information, to receive payment and assignments, to exchange, pick up, or turn in weaponry or other assets, to send and receive messages, and so on.
Though the norm for Lieutenants is control over a quadrant headquarters or base, they can be assigned other important tasks requiring a high level of trust and analytical, efficient skill. Sometimes they can be assigned to places/situations of interest if they are the closest Lieutenant in the area to the place or situation, regardless of being in the bounds of a quadrant. Others are known to work as directors rather than running specific headquarters or bases– this is rare, however there are specific Lieutenants with titles such as Director of Defense and Director of Arcana. These ranks are known to be the right hands to Commander Hydra and work closer to her than anyone.


  • Significant outstanding experience and success as a Privateer or in a prior job if that job is approved by the Commander.
  • Analytical skill and pragmatism. The ability to adeptly organize and manage in a business and military structure.
  • Showing and maintaining complete trust and confidence with the Commander and the ideals of the protectorate.
  • Believing and acting upon the ideals of the protectorate fully.
  • Documentation/proof of the individual's experience in their prior field proving eligibility.
  • Willingness to be in a leadership role and willingness to take orders from the Commander without insubordination.


  • Previous experience as a privateer or other eligible job with significant honor, diligence, portrayal of a Lieutenant's necessary traits and a track record of success.
  • Background checks must be completed and confirmed
  • Contract of loyalty to the Aspída Lodge must be signed and personal information willingly given to be archived
  • Recruitment and acceptance confirmed by the Commander, including a professional interview and a test regarding how the candidate would deal with certain situations and ordeals as well as knowing the Lodge's code of conduct, structure, and organization


Commander Hydra must recruit and confirm any and all Lieutenants. Typically they are selected by Hydra according to their successes or her interest in their potential after watching them for a certain amount of time. The candidate will eventually be selected for potential promotion, then tested and interviewed, all the while completing and assuring all paperwork involved, and finally promoted when Hydra deems their trial finished and the individual worthy. The Lieutenant is given their new uniform, badge, and the assets that correspond to their specific profession.


  • Supervision and management of headquarters, bases, and/or quadrants assigned
  • Management of archives and documents
  • Leadership of remote operations according to location or topic assigned
  • The set-up and/or execution of ambassadorial negotiations and meetings
  • Carrying out orders and intentions as ordered by the Commander
  • Remote strategy and organization of military fronts and other large-scale projects
  • Officiating the recruitment of officers ranking beneath themselves


Lieutenants are full-time in their careers and in exchange for dedicating their whole mind and heart to the protectorate they gain the benefits necessary to maintain their job and live within the bounds of their responsibilities. Lieutenants are always given lodging, the type of which is according to their situation– usually a lodging of their own within or very closeby to their headquarters. On more remote tasks they can be given pre-paid rooms in inns, apartments, or hotels, or set up with some other kind of rented facility. Lieutenants are paid according to their tasks and overall revenue for the month relating to their specific jurisdiction, ranging from 200-1000gp per month on average. A good portion of their income often goes back into their headquarters, into equipment, or other business of the protectorate, as what they buy will likely relate directly to their job.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Upon being promoted a Lieutenant is given two uniforms; one formal, typically used for ambassadorial situations or protectorate meetings, and one militant uniform which maintains relative formality but is much more resilient, less decorative, and multi-use. They are also given their badge, which signifies their rank and doubles as a limited frequency sending device.
Lieutenants manage the equipment of their area of jurisdiction and as such can acquire what they see fit and put it to use where they see fit so long as it's within the orders they are given and the tasks that are at hand. Typically personal-use equipment taken from their assets can consist of simplistic armor (leather or a breastplate usually, however some more business-oriented types may potentially wear none at all), between one and two weapons (usually a simple weapon such as a dagger and one martial weapon such as a rapier), and so on. Lieutenants also typically have between one and three privateers that work directly around them and for them alone as assistants or guards.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The removal of a Lieutenant is something not taken lightly by any means. It is extremely rare, if not a completely untouched concept thus far in the protectorate's history. A Lieutenant's contract, as with a Lance Knight's, is much more binding and trust-oriented than any lower ranking officer's, and with that the consequences for breaking contract is much more severe. The breaking of contract; whether that be through betrayal, treason, going against the protectorate's code, or violent disrespect of the protectorate and/or the Commander, will be met with removal– the Lieutenant's badge will be apprehended along with their uniform and any other assets they have personally acquired. They will immediately cease having any control or power and all under their jurisdiction will be transferred to the hand of another. In the instance of forced removal for said breaking of contract, the individual will be held in confinement and questioned, and punished according to the severity of their crime against the organization and the specifics of what exactly they did to be removed (ie; treason would result in interrogation and potentially violent extraction of information if need be). The subject will be held for an amount of time the Commander sees fit and if/when released the subject will be stripped of all notoriety and riches gained through the organization, and blacklisted amongst any organizations/businesses affiliated with the Lodge. The worst punishment allowed for Lieutenants or Lance Knights forcibly removed would be due to breaking the code of the lodge and committing what could be undeniably determined to be a war crime by the Lodge's definition. War crimes committed under the Aspída Lodge's name can be punished by a permanent mutilation (usually the cutting off of a finger, a finger on each hand, having the individual withstand acid or burning, or even an entire hand, all according to severity and specificity of the crime), permanent incarceration, or execution. Execution is reserved for only crimes against humanity such as expending troops, willingly expending civilians, murdering innocents or facilitating the murder of innocents, enslavement, misuse of power for sexual assault and entrapment, slaughter of an enemy's forces despite surrender or treaty, attempted genocide, and so on according to the Lodge's code. Execution would be carried out by way of musket firing squad, arcane strike, or, most likely of all, Commander Hydra (who would go through with the execution personally and however she sees fit. Likely with a sword.)
To restate, to anyone's knowledge inside the lodge or out, execution of a Lieutenant or Lance Knight has never had to happen. While removal could be considered more likely, execution is meant for only extreme circumstances where an individual proves themselves to be a danger or scourge to the plane they exist in and thus their removal from the plane completely should be eminent.
The dismissal or resignation of a Lieutenant, as with a Lance Knight, would be far simpler and without negative connotations typically speaking. A Lieutenant turns in their badge and uniform, and assets will be given back on a case by case basis– if a sword, for example, originally taken from the arsenal has been used by a Lieutenant for years, it can be considered their own by the time they resign or are dismissed. The categorization of the individual's resignation or dismissal is based upon what reason they give the Commander for doing so– for example, someone looking simply to retire after putting in years of hard work would be dismissed with honor and would still hold some benefits from the Lodge for their service such as discounts and allowances at affiliated businesses and organizations.

Notable Holders

Title Current Region Specification
Lieutenant Achilles Vaul Pharedeux, Kingdom of Luquoia Military Strategist and Intelligence Specialist, Quadrant Head of Northern Luquoia
Lieutenant Damien Lune'a Nox Orion Currently Undisclosed Director of Defense, Military Strategist, Second in Command of the Aspída Lodge
Lieutenant Syri-Lai Lune'a Nox Currently Undisclosed Director of Arcana, Arcane Intelligence Specialist and Archivist
Alternative Naming
Lieutenant of the Aspída Lodge, Υπολοχαγός (Ypolochagós)
Equates to
About equivalent to a U.S. Navy Admiral. Rank is equal to a Lance Knight.
Source of Authority
Commander Hydra
Reports directly to
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