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Malacai Lykaios

Lance Knight Malacai Dionte Lykaios

Malacai is a young Lance Knight born in Pharedeux and raised in Sequoié, Kankou. In the small, forested village of Asfáleia in Sequoié, he was brought up by two dads; Julian, his birth father, a half elf ranger originally from Pharedeux, and Nico, a Kreolé human native to the village. Nico coming from a lineage with a tradition of monster hunting for the village's safety, taught what he knew over time to Malacai from a young age, and Julian had more of an influence in the style of martial combat Malacai eventually picked up– that of the double bladed scimitar. The double bladed scimitar he wields today is one passed down by Julian when Malacai came of age and wished to leave the village– the blade Astrum was explained to be from Julian's elven mother, Malacai's grandmother, who had fought for Elmsbrae in Luquoia years ago. Overall, he had a good childhood and his parents are still alive and well in Asfáleia.
Though Sequoié had a near-constant lingering threat of beastly interference, most of Kankou's more civilized regions are not as used to more unordinary threats as such. Instead, cities such as Nourítíaní were more used to threats related to revolt, military enforcement, and rioting. Malacai found himself at the tail end of the events that are now referred to as Sfagí tou Nourítíaní– the Nourítíaní Massacres– exactly as Julian had feared when the boy asked to travel in the first place. He wasn't particularly in the middle of the event– in 1492 the riots had technically ended. However the streets of the urban sector were a mess and tensions still high. And eerily, the primary concern of the urbanites as of late was a recent string of gruesome deaths that were hard to explain by anything related to the massacres. Essentially, as a naive and overly curious seventeen year old, Malacai threw himself into the situation by successfully tracking down the creatures causing the murders' summoner, and then promptly almost got himself killed trying to confront the man and his death dog. Though unwise to pursue by himself, Hydra was called to attention by one of the two people he saved in the process of the event and was quite impressed with the initiative and the cause it was done for. She was the one who ended up saving his life, along with her companion Lieutenant Syri, and while on bedrest from about a million injuries she offered him a position with the lodge as a privateer. She noted his brazenness in doing what he did, his awareness of the social climate despite only being in the city a few weeks, and his ability to fight the creature and the man off enough to save two people and fend for himself, at the very least, for a few minutes. More than the average person, to say the least. He signed a contract with her and became a Privateer in early 1492.
Mercutio was recruited later in 1492, with help from Malacai jumping into a street fight with him and drawing Hydra's attention towards the ordeal and, moreover, Mercutio's skill. Malacai, having hit on him almost immediately after meeting him, quite literally in the middle of a fight, quickly made an impression on him and ended up in some sort of casual relationship with him even before the two were officially partnered together as Privateers. Going forward, in their four years as Privateers they got very, very close and almost completely co-dependent. Labels were still confusing and went unaddressed, partially on purpose, partially out of anxiety around bringing up the topic, and thus it was pretty much known that they were clearly in a relationship, be it somewhat open or otherwise. 
In 1496, both Malacai and Mercutio were promoted to Lance Knight after a successful, but nearly fatal raid with the responsibility of leading on the two's shoulders. After celebrating into the night out of what seemed like sheer excitement mixed with lingering adrenaline, Malacai seemed to vanish out of thin air, leaving him alone to try and figure out what happened or why he could have left. It is still unknown why this is, though Mercutio has his theories (that mostly relate to himself being the problem, because he's Mercutio and if there's a way to blame himself he will). 
As of the present, Malacai is known to have continued work as a Lance Knight with no changes in his job description. Due to the nature of Lance Knights, he was primarily alone in the two years following 1496, and on top of that seems to have tried purposefully to stick to more solitary jobs and settings– not just avoiding Mercutio, but avoiding as many people as possible so it seems. Such a task was easy to achieve, as Lance Knights are always moving, it's hard to track their whereabouts, and often they can be scattered hundreds of miles away from one another– the Lodge being international despite it's base in Kankou, thus having stations and jobs across the continent. Hydra has seen him since, however in small increments and given only the information Malacai is mandated to give her, leaving any more personal information up to Malacai to disclose– and it's pretty safe to say that he didn't disclose much. That being said, it's unknown what Hydra could potentially know and have simply kept secret for privacy's sake or safety's sake.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Malacai is young human-appearing man of a more or less average build and height, measuring about 5'11" and weighing in at around 155lbs. He is more lithe than bulky, however isn't in any sense lanky or overtly skinny, instead he has more of a middle-ground physically fit appearance with moderate muscle more adept for agility and mobility than brute force. He has a medium olive skin tone that tans easily in an excess of sunlight, and a few scars visible above full clothing, the most notable being a large fang-toothed bitemark across the side of his neck. Malacai has almond shaped eyes with a color between teal and forest green, and chestnut brown hair with undertones of auburn. He has no visible physical impairments, and a face surprisingly quite clear of scars considering being a mercenary for six years.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Male | He/Him


Homoflexible | Homoromantic



Religious Views

No strong faith, however he was influenced by Kankou's underlying Nuritian culture, as well as his father Nico's family faith which leans towards that of the goddess Nylea, of the hunt. His father Julian is also not particularly tied to any religions, but was raised mostly Myteran and agrees with many of the concepts that overlap with Nylea, so he also approved of the religious influence on Malacai from that side of his family.


Malacai Lykaios

Ex-Partner/Ex-Boyfriend (Important)

Towards Captain Mercutio Makari



Captain Mercutio Makari

Ex-Partner/Ex-Boyfriend (Important)

Towards Malacai Lykaios




Malacai was a pivotal part of Mercutio's recruitment to the Aspída Lodge, as he was with Hydra at the time he was noticed, and more than that, he was in-part the reason for her noticing him in the first place. Malacai being her intern-of-sorts at the time, she lost sight of him while taking care of a task and found him in the middle of a street fight with Mercutio, thus calling attention to Mercutio's potential in battle.
After his recruitment, as a Privateer Mercutio was partnered with Malacai, displaying an impressive synergy in the fight beforehand, Hydra found the pairing to be the best idea. In a way, it was a terrible idea, as they almost immediately had a fling and from that point on made a weird, slightly backwards progression into a relationship to the point of being almost inseparable and very co-dependent– in other words, they Hydra had to put up with their flirty antics. Though, it did spark some more legitimate concerns that she never fully shared; mostly the threat of something breaking them apart– in such an instance one could leave the protectorate, or both, or one could start underperforming, or the most likely option which was the inevitable, long, difficult process of reversing that co-dependency. However the positives outweighed the potential negatives and promised the best results– and besides, Hydra had seen something similar work out relatively well without a horrid breaking of connection between two of her closest inner-circle officials, so she made no remarks. 

The two did work very well together on most fronts. Mercutio's brute force and up-front, charismatic attitude balanced well with Malacai, more resourceful and cautious before jumping into things, but capable of jumping into things intently once affirmed. On a more mental level, Malacai was a more stable, confident foundation for someone as wayward, self-blaming, and groundless as Mercutio, where as Mercutio made up for Malacai's lack of strong ideals or devotion– risktaking and taking chances without assurance being a weakness of Malacai's buffered by Mercutio's complete and total boldness. The co-dependence formed over certain parts of everyday life becoming expected from one another– eventually simple things wouldn't have to be said out loud, they'd just be done on impulse without question. Also understood was the casualness of the relationship; neither really labeled what they were, nor had intense quips with other physical interactions. Neither talked about the potential of outside romantic relationships, frankly, because neither ever had an outside interest in anyone else in the time they were together.
The casualness of the relationship was both a blessing and a curse; a blessing because of the trust involved in such a setup and lack of harsh expectations, but a curse in that the lack of labels made for a lingering insecurity over affirmation and commitment. Mercutio, specifically, had a constant internal fear of abandonment nearly the entire time and never dared to ask about the seriousness involved, or long-term intentions out of worry that he'd come off strong, or clingy, or overly-monogamous (a weird statement from a western standpoint, but in native/kreolé kankoan culture a quite reasonable one). No problems with it came up until the very end, so he never felt the necessity and avoided the question at all costs.
 After both being promoted to Lance Knight simultaneously, the excitement over the situation was real– in combination with adrenaline from nearly dying in the mission that earned them the position. Of course, that meant having a night to celebrate; drinks, dancing, the typical mercenary's festivity. Mercutio would likely consider this one of (if not the best) days of his life if he were to admit it out loud. Nothing seemed out of place; quite the opposite, everything seemed to be falling into place, Malacai seemed perfectly pleased and as joyful as he could be, Mercutio, of course, is Mercutio and thus was absolutely ecstatic and enthralled. However come the next morning he woke up alone, without any indication as to why, no note, no prior argument or issue, and upon asking around was simply told that Malacai had left and no one knew anything more, except maybe Hydra herself. Mercutio could have looked into it further, but being the person that he is and knowing that every single thing Malacai does has some kind of intention behind it, he went forth to assume he'd done something wrong, or been too presumptuous, or just about any excuse he could come up with with himself in the wrong. 
Remember the potential co-dependence issue? Yeah, well...
The two did not speak nor see each other for two years, 1496-1498. Mercutio's abandonment issues multiplied by ten and Malacai's isolation became intense and unusual. Unfortunately enough, all of the issues related to the disconnect were worsened by the fact that Lance Knights are not expected to be in teams or partnerships like Privateers– so both were, most of the time, expected to take on jobs alone without much of any time for adjustment nor many ways to adjust to such long, intense jobs with no trusted entourage in the first place. Presumably Mercutio got the worst of it, being as emotional and self-depreciating as he is, but it's hard to say given Malacai's radio silence.

Nicknames & Petnames

  • At the moment, Malacai only knows Mercutio by the name "Ziko", due to Mercutio only learning his birth name within the past two years, thus during the disconnect.
  • At some points the nickname "Cai" is used. Malacai doesn't really have any aliases or "true" names other than what he was given at birth. 

Relationship Reasoning

  • Malacai's dishonesty is only really in one subject, as he has one big secret that he doesn't really want to talk about out of fear of what would happen if he did– be it fear, rejection, or hurting him.
  • It's hard to tell right now what Malacai's displayed opinion is, as he's just been seen for the first time in two years.

Shared Secrets

  • Malacai knows pretty much everything that Mercutio knew in 1496 about himself– so, the Ásylo tou Aivolos incident, any and all of Mercutio's brands/tattoos (and I mean all), Mercutio's original given name/number, how he grew up, and so on. Anything about Mercutio that has occured or been found out past 1496, which is a lot, is unknown to him. 
  • Malacai has seen him get possessed at least one known time, and in that incident was the only person close enough to most certainly have seen his eyes go black. The incident was so quick and brutal, however, that there wasn't much he could do to figure anything out around it, so his only mentions of it to Mercutio directly were somewhat casual and brushed off very easily. It still irked him for a long time after it happened though.
  • Mercutio knows of Malacai's inherited Asfálean practices used for monster hunting that he keeps under wraps whenever possible due to them being often considered occult in and outside of Kankou. Practices such as, but not limited to, Hemocraft, which Malacai studied in the time he was with Mercutio but never practiced. 

Shared Acquaintances

  • Commander Hydra
  • Nico Lykaios
  • Julian Lykaios
  • Lance Knight Milos Cyprian Orion ("Cy")

Legal Status


Malacai Lykaios

Subordinate/Friend (Important)

Towards Hydra




Superior/Friend (Important)

Towards Malacai Lykaios



Shared Acquaintances

Legal Status


Chaotic Neutral / Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lance Knight Malacai Lykaios
  • Lance Knight Lykaios
  • Malacai Dionte Lykaios
  • (Previously) Privateer Lykaios
Date of Birth
September 16th, 1474
Circumstances of Birth
Left on his father's doorstep by whoever his mother was
Current Residence
N/A - doesn't live in one place
Chestnut, beach waves
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium olive
≈ 155
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Infernal
  • Elven
  • Abyssal

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