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History of the Aspída Lodge

The Guild Expansion

1424 ACE 1489 ACE

When the genocide technically ended and the era of purges began, the Lodge had to adjust accordingly. For the most part this meant phasing out of the mentality of war, and starting to weigh out the potential relative-safety that could come from keeping heads down and obeying the government, versus the difficult task of avoiding or combatting the Katharistís. Many had the first of the two mentalities, and as such left the guild to try and live under the radar, however unsuccessful that might be. And for a while the Lodge's numbers were chipped away at– they didn't have the wartime desperation behind them anymore nor could they make much influencial progress on finding or stopping the Katharistís, especially without many resources or connections to do so. 
A rebranding seemed to occur quite suddenly. The Aspída Lodge started leaning towards it's services more than ever and branching out into farther cities and even with connections in nearby countries such as Ybele. Less focus was put on "justice" and more on making a living, expanding the resources and supply of those within the guild. Though this wasn't as directly against the regime that was still very much there and ruling over the country, it helped in a more subtle way– those without much room for any kind of decent employment or basic necessities got enough to get by from the expanded Lodge's connections in farther away places, especially outside of the nation where there was less prejudice and an interest in Kankoan goods and services, as well as from their original services doing certain jobs considered dangerous or morally grey– jobs that other mercenaries or bounty hunters would often avoid. On top of relative stability, those within the guild gained enough connections and resources to properly begin building an armory. Instead of relying on handmade, often outdated weapons or the not so bountiful weapons stolen off marines, the Lodge and it's members could purchase anew and over time, with the group's growth, gain metalworkers and weaponsmiths, either partnered or of their own. This not only meant the Aspída Lodge's name getting more and more widely known as a notable faction, but also that the members threatened by the supremacists could arm themselves and those they knew better. It wasn't a solution, of course, but it was certainly better than before due to a stronger sense of security. 
This is about when the Lodge started to take on a policing effect. They were by no means police, not nearly tightly organized enough and with no real required service for such a thing, but as the purges went on and never slowed, in fact, increasing with the resistance that came about, the Lodge became the underground go-to for means of protection– those who needed it could pay for guard work or stealthy transport through dangerous locations, or pay to be dealt arms and other means of self defense. In cities like Nourítíaní, Kreolé and Native peoples alike started to trust the Lodge, despite it's flaws, far, far more than anyone else for the sake of law enforcement and safety. Though they were for profit, and many in the Lodge's ranks were not in it for the sake of justice so much as making ends meet, the lower classes accepted the guild as an important part of the local culture and functionality, and with that gave a certain trust to it. 
The main downside in this time period was the lodge's discord and lack of structure, leadership, and organization. Most of the full time members were much more like bounty hunters than mercenaries or, by any means, a form of resistance. The only real formation they had was that, when the Lodge grew too big to contain with one central base location, two other major quadrant leaders popped up, one in Limani Ano, the other in Notía Nisía along the border of the primarily military state of Paradisío. Other than this there was no real coordination between members. Jobs were done according to who was known in the area or independently by individuals as they came up. At this point in time the government no longer labelled them a serious threat so much as what they considered an underlying crime syndicate with anarchist roots. So long as they didn't interfere with the nobility, upper to middle class colonists or military, the royal marines for the most part left them alone. They were too scattered and unorganized to set up and instigate a legitimate stand against the government and it's actions– nor did most of the faction seem to want to. 
In 1481 things took an unexpected turn. Nourítíaní, as well as a number of other cities such as Limani Ano, Port'a Dell'oasi and Aivolos, had a growing problem with unwarranted military brutality. The lines between the Katharistís and the Royal Marines were becoming blurry with the amount of random arrests, beatings, and killings happening without any reason other than prejudice and a sense of darwinist superiority. Tensions were rising consistently as the violence against the lower class did, and one evening everything snapped in a few seconds flat. A little girl, only six years old, had wandered from her home near the wall between the two classes in Nourítíaní, on a main street, relatively populated at this time of the day with merchants closing up their shops and stands. No one thought much of it– it was a lively street after all, anyone could assume her guardian would be close by. But straying a bit too far, just close enough to the wall and it's gate to the upper class sector, a marine shot her before she could so much as consider turning around to find her way home. Hell broke loose. Muskets are loud, the entire street heard it, most saw it happen, or at least saw the aftermath– a girl, a six year old girl incapable of hurting anyone or anything, laying in the middle of main street in a pool of her own blood. Her mother wasn't more than a half a mile away. No one really knows who threw the first punch, or swung the first blade, but Nourítíaní had reached a breaking point with that one little girl as the catalyst. The spark to light the barrels and barrels of gunpowder that had accumulated. 
The Aspída Lodge was a pivotal figure in the massacre that followed and carried on, worsening and going quiet on and off, hostile and dangerous for ten whole years. The Lodge was the only faction in the city, with the exception of some leftovers from ships and a few local smiths, with significant arms and means of protection, making them essential to anyone's survival. The marines were not supposed to hold back, according to orders from the top, and from what was insinuated and what it looked like, another extermination seemed eminent. Nourítíaní had caused too many problems in the eyes of the nobility, and thus the scale between the beneficial cheap labor, tax, and trade of the lower class with the demonstration, the uproar and the noncompliance with noble rule became too weighted in the latter. They had no quarrels with eliminating the entire lower city– a good 90% of the city's population at least– as a factor all together. Knowing they didn't have military power, knowing they were nearly all civilians without any say in the matter, and given no time to flee or relocate, the royal marines, rather than storming the place from the wall, started with the naval bombardment first and foremost, blocking off trade, blocking off resources, and worst of all blocking out the primary means of escape. 
The Aspída Lodge did what it could. It was the only thing close to a legitimate milita, combined with whoever wanted to stand up and fight despite knowing how deadly it would be. The only organization there was was that about half the members in the city took up the task of fighting and the other half secured and maintained bunkers and safehouses for civilians as well as for a place to strategize. Other than that their organizational tactics were no different than what the other locals came up with– the only difference between civilian locals and the lodge members at this point was the presence of armament and maybe fighting experience– though many in the port city were just as good in some areas. No progress was made. But also, unexpectedly by the marines and nobility, they weren't completely wiped out. In fact, especially in secret their numbers were far higher than predicted for an attempted annihilation of the demographic. A percentile was wiped out, but not enough to halt the effort completely. Hope wasn't very high in the realm of defeating or defending forever. Most hoped for a successful plan to flee. With no solid leaders, no outstanding structure to the mass of mercenaries and civilians alike morale was low.
That is until a young, seemingly god-sent Hydra became a player.

  • 1442 ACE

    International Expansion and Affairs
    Diplomatic action

  • 1450 ACE

    Addition of Limaní Ano and Notía Nisía Bases
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 1481 ACE

    The Nouritiani Massacres Begin

    More reading
  • 1489 ACE

    Hydra Appears and Takes Command
    Life, Career

    More reading

The Era of Hydra

1489 ACE and beyond

Hydra swept in out of seemingly nowhere. Quite literally– there was hardly any way to get in and out of Nourítíaní due to it's martial enclosure and no one knew how she, and her three companions, showed up. Herself and one of the said companions, "Cy", were from the city. This was certain due to their deep familiarity with the place and it's layout, it's inner-workings and those small details that wouldn't be known to anyone but a local. The other two were drow, some would assume correctly that they were from Duul'so initially. It didn't take long for the young woman calling herself by the simple mononym "Hydra" to completely take control– she happened to appear during one of the more hostile periods and brought herself immediate attention for her lethality in battle, along with her companions, some of which bringing to the table fighting styles and magic never seen before by most locals, and definitely unexpected by the royal marines. The marines could adeptly fight against strong mercenaries, but close to none had seen dunamancy before, and none of them knew in the slightest how to combat it. Despite how alien said magic was, it was clear that all eyes were on Hydra a good portion of the time– she was brutal, cutting down grown military men left and right without looking back. Some say she could mow down a whole squadron single-handedly if given the time. On top of it all, she could heal. There were healers in the city, however they happened to be more often than not, herbalists and other more traditional healers, most were not equipped to be on the battlefield and thus had to say in the safehouses. Hydra was completely different. She seemed as if meant for the battlefield, and around her the rebel force maintained it's numbers better than ever in the past seven years.
Fighting is one thing, but Hydra brought something more important than that. She was a pragmatist and a type-A leader. Before anyone could be given answers about her background or how she got into the city or, really, anything about herself, she gave everyone willing to help a position, a job, a purpose. Groups were separated out by specialty and then put together in teams accordingly, as well as the frontlines that were organized into ranks, first out of experience alone, and then breaking it down more into specifics and specialties. This would come to be the basis for Aspída Lodge's current ranking system– though fleshed out and solidified later, a few Lance Knights were selected out from the most experienced or specialty fighters in town, and a few out of those who came into their own in the area of strategy were deemed Lieutenants and given stations where they could see the field but not close enough to be compromised. And despite knowing hardly anything personal about her, her morals and mission were absolutely crystal clear. She gave speeches and called to action anyone who could give to the cause in any way, shape, or form. She was blunt, honest, and sometimes it was harsh and imposing, but she was almost always right, and her criticisms were constructive. She gained a strong trust very, very quickly, as the proof was in the pudding. Their numbers weren't declining like they used to, they were actually pushing back and making progress, weak points were found and taken advantage of in the enemy forces, and so on and so forth until they were in a good position for once. Eventually enough so for some to take back their homes and feel safe enough protected by the newly built amalgomation of the Aspída Lodge to reside in them once again.
That all changed yet again when a particularly successful day came to a close. Many had returned to their residences and an effort to rebuild was blossoming within the protected area. Though, as most slept and others planned for the days ahead, disaster struck. In a spontaneous bombardment a great fire consumed buildings and ships along the bay– the royal marines had launched a full scale assault in the dead of night with cannons and flaming projectiles from their battleships. The Lodge and the rest of the city could deal with up-front fighting decently well at this point, but the fire was a whole different beast. The rest of the night was spent not retaliating, but simply trying to put out the fires before they could spread to the rest of the city or hurt anyone. And once that was taken care of it was inevitable that a massive clean-up operation would have to take place in order to regain what they'd lost.
Hydra was absolutely furious. As soon as dawn broke and the major parts of the fire were put out, she stormed her way through to the upper class sector as if it was easy, those who got in her way would be cut down, those who were smart stayed out of her way in fear. Her three loyal, but somewhat panicked over this sudden bold choice, companions followed behind as backup and, frankly, to make sure she wouldn't do anything irrational. Those hopes were shattered as she kicked down the doors to the Duke's office chamber and stuck a blade to his throat, demanding he stop the tirade or watch her eliminate every troop he has until there's nothing left. Terrified, but holding onto stubborn dignity, the Duke agreed– but under certain conditions. He laid out what was essentially an armistice. She stop attacking the troops or the upper class and have her people stay in their designated location, and he would call off all his forces from the area. Damien, a companion, standing by the door with the other two, spoke out in question of that agreement rhetorically, "doesn't that include law enforcement and emergency aide?" and of course, he was correct. Hydra was not happy with this, considering it an extremely low blow to simply not provide anything to the civilians who's homes and businesses he'd just burned down, and, well, the law enforcement wasn't really doing anything to begin with, but it was still unheard of– if a serial killer went loose that could threaten both sectors, or a major robbery occurred in a bank owned by nobility in the upper sector, there would be nothing to counter it at all, even in ordeals which threatened themselves. Somewhat of a subtle scorched earth policy.
She signed. After speaking with her companions for a minute, weighing out the options or what she could bargain for she did, in the end, sign. She did, however, ask for one more detail in the armistice– that the Aspída Lodge be decriminalized. Not that it was previously actually a crime syndicate or terrorist group, but the Nourítíaní government considered them as such. He thought about it briefly, then agreed. What the thought process would come to be around that agreement would be the concept that, in keeping the Aspída Lodge around in the lower sector as a paramilitary police force of sorts, especially under the new, efficient rule of Hydra, they would deal with any threats coming from the sea or from within the city itself before they could even get to the wall. It was a hypothetical protection for the upper class as well, and without paying a dime for it nor expressing solidarity with the lower level. An extremely sleazy move, they'd come to realize, but with the carnage and the years and years of fighting, some dignity had to slide in order for it to finally end.
The Aspída Lodge is currently the most prominent controlling force in Kankou outside the Royal Marines and the nobility that govern them. In what would come to be nicknamed the "Era of Hydra" by some, thus far she has made more progress on restructuring, organizing, and officializing the Lodge as a proper organization, career path, and paramilitary force than what was made in the last hundred years. That is not, by any means, an exaggeration. However, it could be more simply referred to as a change in direction. The Lodge has transformed itself into something different than the past eras– something combining the aspects that worked from the prior years and replacing those that didn't with new concepts, expanding on all fronts, completely internationalizing, and becoming more and more legitimate. They still attempt to overcome some less than savory opinions and views that remain from their older, more chaotic days, as well as the massacres. They aren't often spoken well of in noble or colonial sectors and states especially, though it's the same in the other direction, as those in the lodge and many in the lower sectors don't speak well of the government either. There is a strained, yet at the moment relatively quiet armistice in place, strained more on the Lodge's end, as the Kankoan government uses the Aspída Lodge and it's success and strength as a shield from most threats– pirates, robbery, monsters and beasts, serial murder or other major criminal offenses, and even some minor foreign ordeals. They still have international headquarters based in Nourítíaní, but boast what is now eleven other bases outside of the city, including every major city in Kankou, and a good number outside of the country, such as two known to be in Luquoia, and at least three in the Ybeli Empire. In addition, Lance Knights and some privateers, especially those making new connections to broaden more horizons, travel further than that, and have a minor presence as far off as Elmsbrae and Areya.
Their mission is far more precise now that Hydra is in power. Lodge officers must be dedicated to the cause in order to have a full-time career, and those who do are highly respected within the ranks and often outside the protectorate as well. The Aspída Lodge takes on many jobs, gaining its funds and resources through mercenary work and other various tasks as such, but especially in the higher ranks, focus is put onto taking jobs Hydra deems important, and what is important by the Lodge's code of ideals. They attempt to step in whenever possible to protect innocents from oppressors, aide in justified revolutions, and react upon crimes against humanity. The most recent interference being the revolution/turf war within Luquoia, in which they back no particular faction other than the people. Hydra is as effective and terrifying as ever, and shows no signs of yielding her effort any time soon.

  • 1489 ACE

    Hydra Appears and Takes Command
    Life, Career

    More reading
  • 1490 ACE

    Creation of the ranks Lance Knight and Lieutenant
    Political event

    More reading
    Lance Knight
  • 1490 ACE

    4 /1

    Promotion of Lieutenant One: Damien Lunéa Nox Orion
    Life, Milestone

  • 1490 ACE

    4 /1

    Promotion of Lance Knight One: Milos Cyprian Orion "Cy"
    Life, Milestone

  • 1490 ACE

    5 /1

    Promotion of Lieutenant Two: Syri'lai Lunéa Nox "Syri"
    Life, Milestone

  • 1490 ACE

    3 /3

    Promotion of Lieutenant Three: Achilles Vaul
    Life, Milestone

  • 1491 ACE

    16 /8

    Nourítíaní Bay Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    More reading
  • 1491 ACE

    17 /8

    Armistice of Greater Nourítíaní
    Political event

    Also called "The Aspída Lodge Sector Enforcement Initiative" or "TALSEI" for short.

    More reading
    Aspída Lodge
  • 1496 ACE

    20 /6

    Promotion of Lance Knight Eight: Malacai Lykaios
    Life, Milestone

    More reading
    Malacai Lykaios
  • 1496 ACE

    20 /6

    Promotion of Lance Knight Seven: Mercutio "Ziko" Makari
    Life, Milestone
  • 1498 ACE

    Promotion of Lance Knight Thirteen: Theda Adrasteia
    Life, Milestone