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Djerad Sikta

Fortress of the Sun

Artwork: Sailing Into Byzantium by Mark Harrison
Djerad Sikta, (Duryadi Draconic: Djerad : "Clanhold" or "Fortress" and siksta "sun " so together, its roughly translated as clanhold/fortress of sun) commonly just called Djerad Duryadh, also known as "Fortress of the Sun" is Naghron's greatest city and the golden religious and commercial epicenter of an entire continent. It is the capital of [The Qyzharate of Duryad , seat of the government It is home to the Qyzhar|Qyzharah, the Duryad Royal Family, and Duryadi nobility. It was named after the mother of the first Qyzhar and served as the cultural nexus for the dragonborn on Naghron and even beyond.   The capital had a direct link to all its provincial capitals and Embassies via the Shisktayrid Gate (Djerad Sikta portal). The capital s lined with monuments, domed temples, palm trees, and thousands of houses built of along the riverbanks. The whole place sprawls for miles centralised around the great Imperial Palace, Karak-Ymbaroul Khabalin yhl Mudhab. Its shimmering spires can be seen for miles across the water, inviting sailors to approach. Here Shikstayrah Khaz’houn, mother of the first Qyzhar, Dahrmuyahd I "the Magnificent" el Zinad, received the vision of The Valiant, The Justice Maker, Father of Dragons, Bahamut which contained a dream of a united Naghron, of wisdom and the Law. Today the city is still the seat of the Qyzhar/Qyzharah, the "heart of the heart" of the enlightened lands.


Upon the founding of Djerad and the Qyzharate, the population consisted of the native dragonborn and the human vagrants from the north. Over the years, the human population grew as the city attracted more people, now being fairly diverse as a trade hub. Still, humans and dragonborn are the most common races.


The city the seat of power of the Qyzharate of Duryad and thus city is governed directly by the Qyzhar.


The Fortress of the sun was protected by a large military force under the leadership of Zheral-Qumandyhr Eshshannah Calugar. It's kept in good order by the more competent leaders of its subdivisions:  
  • The bulk of the military consisted of 10,000 footmen, which doubled as a city watch during peacetime. They kept order in the city in patrols each under the leadership of a mamluk of the Faithful
  • The 2,000 riders of the Imperial Cavalry were mainly renowned for their fanciful appearance in parades.
  • The Imperial Aerial Cavalry with 250 members provided an impressive-looking aerial defense.
  • Three units of mercenaries with a total of 2,100 men were considered rough but unquestionably brave and able.
  • The navy of 40 ships in 32 AC was the most active part of the military, keeping watch over the Racorback gulf and Arachond Bay.
  • The Arcane Legion was a group of 75 Mages, each endowed with a carpet of flying to provide an additional airborne force.
  • An unknown number of The Redoubtable served as another defensive force and deterrent to would-be invaders.
  • A 1,000 strong Palace Guard was charged with protecting the Kapralah herself.
  • Like all Duryadi cities, Djerad Sikta had a milita which could be called upon in times of need, though in 32 AC it had not seen any action for generations.
The city was also completely encompassed by city walls whose gates were faithfully guarded by mamluks of the Valourous.

Industry & Trade

Djerad Sikta was a thriving metropolis. The city's open bazaar in the Market district was full with shops and stalls belonging to farmers, craft-vendors and artisans from the city and from nearby villages and homesteads, and traders from other nations were allowed to sell their goods as well. Djerad Sikta was also known across Euron and Naghron for its military schools on tactics, engineering, and unconventional warfare—particularly dragon-fighting. Many of their exotic martial techniques were imported from Ashad.


While Djerad Sikta's gargantuan sandstone walls are its most obvious--and perhaps impressive--marvel of infrastructure, even the city's more mundane infrastructure is worthy of awe. Long before cities in Fionmagh or Mekrad enjoyed indoor plumbing, Djerad Sikta introduced a network of sewers that connected every building. Storm drains empty into these sewers, sweeping waste and wastewater from the streets and into the ocean beyond. The city's cobblestoned streets are organized into 12 separate sabbans, or subdivisions, and 84 drudachs, or smaller subdivisions. Each individual sabban was enclosed by walls accessed by various gates, but this did little to affect the governing of the city as a whole. In the epicentre of the city, overlooking the harbour, stood Khabalin yhl Mudhab Palace and the Spice Bazaar.


The four quarters of Djerad Sikta, and the districts found within each, are listed below:
Clothiers' Quarter
  • Merchants' District
  • Northwest District
  • Clothiers' District
People's Quarter
  • Peasants' District
  • South District
  • Pilgrims' District
Palace Quarter
  • Court District
  • East District
  • Affluent District
North Quarter
  • Warehouse District
  • Central District
  • Craft District
The city also featured three harbours:   Kapralah's Harbour The Kapralah's Harbour simply called The Royal Docks is an enclosed section of the city's Harbor Ward that contained docks reserved for the exclusive use of the Kapralah's or their honored guests.
Trade Harbour The harbor formed the city's southern border and was cut off from the Shining Sea by several sea walls and was cut off from the city by wall. The shipyard was located on the eastern edge of the docks.
Dragonwater Harbour headquarters of the The Duryad Imperial Navy where 2,000 Zarytaries were garrisoned.The armada and armada barracks were located on the western edge of the docks.

Guilds and Factions

Veteran Guild

The veteran guild was a society composed of around 500 members. They employed infantry, cavalry, and others, including bards to boost the morale of their troops. The guild usually set out to defeat pirates and to take care of old veterans.  

Brotherhood of The Crimson Crusader 

This Paladin order dedicated to the worship of the Bahamut order of initiate knights drew its members from the nobles and adventurers of the city who were deserving of some recognition for their deeds.'


The origins of Djerad Sikta are not clear, with some sources saying it originated as a trading port of The Samarid Empire, built before the Reckoning of Rethelek to hold off Feywild invasions; while others (namely, the Clan Duryadh's ancestor stories) stating it was built in Naghron, over the ruins of a Blood-Moonstone ziggurat that was the tomb of the Untheric god Nanna-Sin. According to Clan Duryadh's ancestor stories, the god Bahamut guided one of the surviving dragonborn whom fled the Dhômm'ahssid Empire's constant expansion, Shikstayrah Khaz’houn, to the arid shores of Voyagers Rest in southern Naghron, and gave her a vision, while tending her garden she pricked her finger on a thorn, the thorn grew into a great tree, so vast were the tree's branches that they seemed to her to cover all Naghron, and even much more. with this vision and a divine blessing from Bahamut himself, the Breath of the North Wind and seven heavens, to help her to find other surviving dragonborn, and ashadan refugees. The survivors, guided by Shikstayrah's teachings and the leadership of her son, reunited and together founded a new city they called Djerad Sikta in honour of their late savior and saint   Regardless of the true origins of the citadel-city, the dragonborn survivors of the Dhômm'ahssid Invasions founded the realm of Duryad with Djerad Sikta as their capital city   Approximately ten years after its founding, an army of a Gholdahar horde attacked the City of the Sun and was annihilated by a great force of The Redoubtable. This obliteration of the invading army discouraged open attacks on the city for generations to come   it was specially built to be a suitable harbor for the The Duryad Royal Navy, and eventually it became the capital clanhold of Duryad.

Points of interest

Royal Palace
This lavish palace is heavily warded and contained large gardens with trees. This massive fortress was the size of a district and contained The crypt of Djerad Sikta, where members of Clan Duryad are buried. The underground crypts are long and narrow, with pillars moving two by two along its length. Between pillars stand the sepulchers of the Duryads of Djerad Sikta, the likenesses of the dead seated on thrones, with runes carved with Bloodmoon Chalk that allowed the royal family to commune with their ancestors, kin and past rulers, much like a speak with dead spell, however this was far more elaborate.  

Taverns and inns

  • Kabudyan's quarters
An expansive tavern that had a wondrous bath house, renowned for its hearty and delicious fare of foods.
  • Boot and Buckler
This surprisingly reasonable tavern served a club of sorts for the district's merchants, offering discreet and superb service
  • Caraveneer's comfort
An inexpensive inn located in the north of the Dock Quarter. Like many other Djead Sikta inns, they were notoriously rowdy yet surprisingly affordable.
  • Dragon's Flagon
An inn that welcomed foreigners and those who lived by the sword. This inn was safe and reasonably priced and was run by a nervous man.
  • Haludubar's Hidden Haven
An gambling hall, festhall, and pipeweed den catering mainly to to travelers and rich merchants with the posh interior, good food, and quality alcohol. and run by Dwahvel Tiggerwillies. The establishment was a hidden drinking establishment with quiet high-walled, curtained booths that offered privacy. The tavern was built by an adventurer Haludubar Kambuun. After his death, the place was run by Yashann Kambuun, the adventurer's daughter.
  • The Rusty Anchor
A raucous festhall that made so much noise that the owner bought all of the neighboring buildings in the neighborhood to cease the noise complaints
  • The Genie's Bottle
This dive located in a basement near the docks was run by a runt gnoll named Rhoya. It was a valuable source of information for those who dealt in seedier lines of work.

Temples & Mosques

  • Sea Queen's House
This indispensable church of Shiera Stormsong was located at the end of a long, broad pier in the Steeps.
  • Platinum Palace
Located beneath eastern Djerad Sikta, this grand fortress-temple, dedicated to the Angel of the Seven Heavens, a beacon of faith in the city that came to be known as a place of wisdom and peace, was the oldest and proudest temple of Bahamut in Naghron.


  • Scorch and Cinder's Sublime Creations
Scorch and Cinder's Sublime Creations was run by the Royal Armourers of Djerad SIkta, the fire genasi siblings Hellkiln, a brother and sister, whose work was of the utmost quality. This smithy and glasshop produced quality weapons and armour as well jewlery and glasswear influenced by both Draconic, Elven and Gnoll artisans.
  • Pridebarells's Precious Wines & Tonics
The halfling-owned spirits shop that was popular among the city's soldiers
  • Felfaarin Finer Fabrics & Fragrances:
A curious tailor's shop that offered quite fashionable accessories of Fareshin Felfaarin's that dealt in spike-heeled footwear, daring dresses, perfumes, and accessories for any occasion, as well as some good disguise fare
  • Royal Provisioners of Djerad Sikta
A multi-generational family of merchats and caravaneers operated out of this massive, four-story shop. High-end provisions were sold here for traders and caravaneers passing through the Wastes
  • Wyvernpost stables and royal rooster
This business in the Merchant's District of Djerad Sikta that specialized in the handling and care of mundane Mounts, as well as the royal rooster of wyvwerns for the duryad military


Because Djerad Sikta had such a long history, most of the older buildings of the city had been rebuilt or merged into newer ones. One could find ancient byways, rooms, or other structures integrated into others. Djerad Sikta was considered by some as a renowned place throughout Naghron for its incredible size, unique urban management, and virtually impenetrable architecture.


Djerad Sikta located on the Northern end of the Razorback Gulf, at the head of Arachond Bay, along the south bank of practically in the center of the continent of Naghron. The land descended toward the coast with a slope so steep that those on approaching ships could view almost the entirety of the city.   Djerad Sikta is a port city on the Duradhur peninsula overlooking the Adhur'khal Sea, a short distance east of El-Erazel River. It rests at the mouth of the Na'al-bahr Gulf at the very southern end of the Trade Way.[9] To the west of Djerad Sikta, the coast extended south, forming a natural harbor for the city. is located on the coast south of Calimshan's central plain at the narrow straits between the Golden Gulf and the southern end of Suq Bay along the south bank of Al-Sarif River, practically in the center of the continent of Zakhara. Darkural Sea   Sheirtalar was a coastal city on the eastern end of the Shining Sea,[5][6][7] at the head of Sheir Bay, which was on the northern side of the larger Talar Bay at the foot of the Sheir Peninsula.   Esmeltaran was built on the shore of Lake Esmel, a short distance north of River Esmel   Manshaka was located The Scity was located on the Sword Coast, south of the Starspire Peninsula.[4] The city's harbor was protected from storms by the mountainous peninsula.[17] The coastal plains around Zazesspur were markedly more green than the lands further east and inland.[18]   Calimport was between the Calim Desert to the north and the Shining Sea to the south. It rested at the mouth of the Calim River at the very southern end of the Trade Way.[9] To the west of Calimport, the coast extended south, forming a natural harbor for the city.

Natural Resources

fish,marine mammals,
Founding Date
-389 AC
Alternative Name(s)
Fortress of the Sun, Djerad Duryad, Djerad Dahrmuyahd
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Professions

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