
Normally solely used as weapons of war, these smaller siege weapons have found use in the valley as an available tool for repelling any kind of large threats. Their present number is too low to deploy everywhere, so they are kept under the authority of the Wooden Shields and only sent there where they are most likely to be needed.   While usually Ballistae are equipped with ordinary, though massive, bolts, at times more specialised ammunition is added. Bolts with a semi-shield at the front have a far smaller range, but do more damage against anything more vulnerable to blunt damage than sharp stabs. Another option is a twin-setup with a chain inbetween, used quite alike a bolas, to topple large creatures.   So far no creatures have emerged that necessitate the usage of these, so their current locations are back at the Mountain Fort, and at several watchtowers spread throughout the valley. They are always accompanied by a small group of knights, mostly the Order of the Steel Horse, to make sure they are not lost to surprise attacks.   One request made by the Wooden Shields, is for merchants to see about ways to make their ballistae more mobile. That way, they could be used during a retreat, or in a hit-and-run style, against slow but heavy enemies. If arrows have little effect, using ballistae could be better than close combat with spears. Additionally, some covering at the top is needed, to protect the crew from aerial attacks.   There is a certain irony that these siege weapons were not used in defending the Old Country, on account of the enemy not having any siege weapons to counter on their own. Yet in the valley, where people went for hope and peace, weapons of war are essential to our survival.
320 GP
Ammo cost
5 SP
Required Crew
Up to 720 feet


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