Dire Pangolin

A scaled solitary creature, only really grouping together at watering spots or during mating season. They are well-known for rolling up when feeling under threat, which covers them fully with their scales. Additionally, this causes the pointy bits of their scales to stick out, making it hard for other creatures to attack them. Said scales are actually quite wanted for several purposes, such as armour creation and alchemy.   Another thing they are known for, is their smell. When attacked, they may spread a nasty musk about them, which scares off many. It is this characteristic that makes people hunt them from afar. However, hunting them has been outlawed, as the species shows no signs of aggression and helps contain vermin. While their scales are useful, poaching would eliminate the species, so they are protected. People are only allowed to harvest shed scales instead.
Danger Level
Subjugation Requirements
One Team (Five when dealing with a group)
Advised Equipment
  • Spears
  • Tower Shields
  • Reinforced Nets
  • Facial masks
If for whatever reason Pangolins need to be subjugated, for example due to being a hazard within a controlled area, only a small group of troops are needed. The biggest problem is cornering them, while maintaining a safe distance. They may climb a tree or burrow, so it is essential to approach them on a terrain where they cannot employ such methods.   Tower Shields are recommended to deal with their tongue attacks, as they may grab their target. Wet scented facial masks are the best way to protect against their musk, giving a significant bonus on resisting the foul smell. Spears allow one to attack from outside their range. Nets will let one grab one when rolled up, but the net needs to be strong enough to not be torn to shreds by the scales
Dire Pangolins are quite solitary and passive, only caring about safety and food. They will not attack unless provoked, unless they feel threatened. For example, an injured pangolin, or a pregnant one, will be quicker to lash out. At the same time, they prefer to try to escape instead. Offense is their final defense.   The species can be tamed, which some groups do. For example, those that live in selfmade warrens, may find their digging ability a useful addition. However, most do not see a need to tame them. When seeking to harvest their scales, it is better to just provide them with a comfortable natural habitat. Then, the scales can simply be gathered whenever they shed them, which tends to be after mating season.


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