Fish Fever

Named after its suspected source, a theory supported by the Ravenmight Institute, fish fever is a disease originating from infected fish, which also infects the people consuming the fish. A tragic disease that manifests as a heavy fly when the victim is healthy, it has significant odds of killing anyone suffering from starvation. Which did happen in the past, playing a role in the eventual revolution that resulted in the creation of the Old Country.   While some folks did talk about falling sick from eating fish sometimes, many claimed poor preparation was the only thing to blame. As people were healthy, the rare death was considered tragic but not suspect of anything worrisome. Yet looking back at records, it does seem far more people fell sick in times where more fish was caught. Even in places with proper preparation methods, people fell sick. In fact, caravan reports unearthed by the Ravenmight Institute, suggest that smoked fish also caused sickness.   This all came to a head when a drought had caused a massive failed harvest in the old country's territories, which led to many people starving. While the nobles in charge of their lands provided all the aid they could, and asked for aid from their king, no help was granted. In these desperate times, people sought all the food sources they could find.   And fortune would have it, the fish were really slow. Wary of sickness, people still managed to cook or fry these fish well. Yet despite all their efforts, they still fell sick. Only then did they realise the fish were sick, a lesson learned at the cost of many deaths. A tragedy caused by many factors, including the lack of aid from the kingdom. An act never forgiven nor forgotten, which led to a successful revolt.
One to three weeks
  • Medium-high fever
  • Extreme sweating
  • Extreme clamness
High when weak


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