Morning Glory

Some consider morning glories a cute little flower. Others see them as weeds. As any farmer can tell you, if they like the soil, they are a nightmare to get rid of. Ironically, this resilience has led some farmers to actually like the idea of them. They consider themselves morning glories, hard to get rid of, proper survivors.   More frequently, however, it is Scouts that use them as a personal symbol. Many a party that designs a group emblem, includes a morning glory in there. This includes the Shadow Lancer mercenaries and the Hollowguard scouts.
Ranging from worthless to 2 silver pieces
Scouts, mercenaries, farmers
Far and wide
Respected by many


It would be easy to mistake a morning glory for an arrogant boast, a fool claiming to be invincible. That is not, however, what the actual users mean with it. The unkillability of the morning glory isn't a promise or a brag, it represents the hope therein.   The users believe that they are resilient as well, and in a form of superstition, they stick to the morning glory in the hope that they too will be able to stay standing no matter the challenge faced. And while it of course has no actual effect, merely hope can make a difference.


Many scouts use both individual and group emblems, comparable to the coats of arms of nobility. The same applies to mercenaries. They use these both as a way of identification, and to show what they personally stand for. The morning glory is quite popular with the more adventurous groups, to represent their resilience.   Asides from emblems, another common usage is through a pressed flower. And with farmers, they may plant a single pot, carefully maintained to not actually endanger their farm.


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