Roastside Stew
The combination of roasted meat and a hearty multi-flavour stew makes this meal quite popular. It is merrily consumed by both travellers and farmers in the fall and winter months. Its name is a pun combining the word roadside with the word roast, as it's often prepared on the roadside. For many scouts and soldiers it's an old tradition that they follow even long after retirement.
While technically the meat can vary, hunters and farmers swear by deer or rabbit as the best. In part this comes due to being well-sized for proper preparation above a campfire, but also due to the flavour mixing well with those of the stew.
- Meat (pref. deer or hare)
- Burdock roots (fresh)
- Mushrooms (pref. Trooping Funnels)
- Chives
- Sourdock Leaves (both fresh & dried)