Scout Compass

Created by combining compasses with clocks, these items are a must for every Scout with a poor sense of direction. For other scouts, they actually are still essential no matter how confident they are in their own abilities. Especially in areas where one cannot see the sun or stars, a compass helps keep direction. The clock means time can be kept even under clouds or underground.   While the combination might come across as a bit excessive, it actually is a perfect combination. Through carefully-kept secret methods, the compass actually helps charge the clock, so that it never stops ticking. As long as two scout compasses are of comparable quality, they will not significantly differentiate from each other, so an appointment is easily kept.   The downside of the complex nature is that these items are impossible to manually wind or adjust. As such, getting a quality compass is essential. Poor quality means having to constantly figure out the difference between the clock and reality. And it is best not to get one too damaged, as they are expensive to fix. Oft, it is cheaper to buy a new one.  
  There is also a more expensive version of the Scout Compass. This one involves magic and has a lot of small secondary compass marbles inside, on top of a center marble. These marbles come in a total of six types, where the compass marbles will always be of another type than the small ones. They respond to their type, so a compass marble will detect nearby center marbles of its kind and point in their direction. It also will move closer to the edge if the other marble is nearby. So a strong reaction means a compass of that type is nearby. A weak reaction means a more significant distance.   These versions, while far more expensive, are popular among small scout groups. As long as no other compasses are nearby, they can properly grasp each other's location through the marbles their movement. Even in the dark, as these marbles have a faint glow that allows one to read them in the dark. They only become hard to read when there's multiple compasses of the same type present.
50 GP / 200 GP
  • Magnetic ores
  • Platinum
  • Steel
  • Rest kept secret


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