Sevak of Tall Oaks

Sure, maybe he's but a farmer. But other people listen to him. That makes him as important as any in this valley.
— Sir Robinridge
  There are those that say they are but humble farmers. And then there are those that say they are farmers. Sevak is one of the latter. A man with minimal education, without great power, without authority, nearly no money to his name after he had to flee his village due to the incoming water. Yet he persists, and other see it. Thus, they flock to him. Not all, but enough to matter.   And seeing this, Sevak has rose to the occasion, an act worth of admiration. He represents, an advocate for the common folk, unwilling to purely stand back and watch. As our world has shrunk to merely within these valley walls, his has grown to match those walls. Now he stands between us, not a follower or shadow, but a strong tree in his own right.
Information from Crow's Nest
Sevak of Tall Oaks
A displaced farmer


As an experienced farmer, Sevak has a sturdy body and the muscles to use his tools, either for the good of a farm, or as a weapon to defend it with. On the occasions that he joined in on an exploration, he packed tools for all purposes. This includes cheap hunting gear, as a farmer will oft search out wild meat to complement their available supplies.
Sevak stands tall, as tall as the oaks of his former village. He does not seek to impose or threaten, and he will still bend as needed, but he stands. He cares about others, always thinking of possible complications and how best to improve living circumstances in the valley. As part of this, he insists on seeing things with his own eyes, as to best be able to think of an approach.


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