Spring Floods Physical / Metaphysical Law in Valley of Plenty | World Anvil

Spring Floods

As the valley is surrounded by mountains and fed water through three mountain rivers, it is no surprise it faces floods every spring. As the snow melts, water begins trickling down, but some of it is likely stuck behind ice and snow for a while. Once larger pools are freed, the rivers will expand rapidly, far more than we are used to in the old country. There, the large water reservoir helped balance spring floods. Here, worst case, it seems floods may be as damaging as they were when the water reservoir was sabotaged.   There also is a smaller flood risk whenever heavy rain hits the mountain nearby. This is especially dangerous in narrower parts of the river, where hard bedrock means the water smashes through far faster than in the rest of the river. Caution is advised in all these areas, and signs are now being placed to warn people of the danger present.  
Observed Damage
Through observing old settlements and treelines, as well as reading through found documents, the scholars from the Ravenmight Institute have managed to formulate theories on the spring floods. It seems that while significant floods took place almost every year, the people took this in mind and only limitedly used the lands near the rivers. Livestock would graze here in safe periods, and some crops were grown that would be plantable near the end of spring and still deliver a decent harvest. The yearly refreshed soil worked well for these intense crops.   Heavier floods would come at occasion, roughly eight times a century though at varied intervals. These floods could damage or destroy bridges, which worst case would cut the valley into three separated parts. Because of this, all these parts contained villages with enough stored supplies to last at least two months without the ability to trade. Additionally, the military and Protectors of the Valley were distributed enough to be able to defend each part even when cut off.


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