The Lovett Corpse

Spoiler article

  Sir William Lovett was a member of the Order of the Steel Horse, who participated in an attack on civilians as part of an unknown plot. While his underlings were taken down, he managed to escape severely wounded himself. A group (tbd later) of Scouts tried to follow his tracks, but he disappeared into the Northern Swamp. Given his injuries, it was expected that he'd die.   And he did. But then he came back. The Ravenmight Institute institute hypothesised that the corrupt objects used in the attack, contributed to him falling into corruption. As a result, he has likely turned into a Dullahan. This was discovered when he attacked a patrol of the Wooden Shields, who managed to fight him off and escape, though not without sustaining serious injuries. Since then, he has repeatedly caused problems.   Defensive measures have been taken to contain him if needed. Watchtowers keep a constant eye out and are equipped with emergency communication mechanisms that will not draw his attention. At the mines, an alarm system has been set up so that if needed, miners will be warned and have ample time to reach a safe area. Caravans are postponed for now, as they will need a significant escort.   The Crow's Nest is covertly having scouts keep an eye on his movements, in the hope to figure out a pattern or weakness. They do so in secret, because it is feared that members of the Steel Horse or Montchild Faction will sabotage attempts to restrain the Lovett corpse, given their growing hostility towards the other valley dwellers.   This situation is not sustainable. We need to find an opportunity to take him out, without losing anyone. This valley is too much of a death trap already, we need to keep our people safe.
Danger Level
Subjugation Requirements
Four Platoons, multiple healers
Advised Equipment
  • Holy Water
  • Crossbows
  • Hunting Spears
  • Full Plate


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