Tree Huts

Usually we consider these the territory of children. Yet if we think about the effort needed to fortify a place, the amount of work that one puts into constructing a stone watchtower, how dangerous it can be if the foundation is not solid, then a tree hut suddenly begins to make sense.
— Sir Robinridge of the Wooden Shields

Mere child's play, yet useful at the same time. There are Scouts and hunters that build small tree huts to serve as a lookout construction. Providing shelter from the elements above, and safety from the creatures below. At the same time, the right kind of location will provide the user with a great view of the surrounding area.
Scouts, hunters, soldiers
10~20 years
Relevant parts
  • Tree
  • Foundation
  • Roof
  • Access


The first step to any good tree hut is of course the tree. You need a solid one, big enough to handle the weight, healthy enough to survive the extra stress. Plus side branches that you can use as support. For a big hut, you might even need multiple trees that you will connect. Keep in mind that the tree must still be able to handle whatever weather circumstances may arrive.
The next step is your foundation. You need a solid scaffolding that can carry the weight of the hut. Normally this uses the heavy branches, as the alternative is to anchor to the tree with nails. Sometimes ropes are used. The downside of using ropes is that these need replacing often. Other approaches, however, need to leave room for the tree to grow.

A roof must be solid, capable of keeping out the elements and keeping in warmth. Sloped roofs are advised, especially in places with heavy snow. Otherwise, the roof may leak from standing water, or even collapse under the weight of snow.
The last part is your entrance method. Some huts use ramps, others use ladders, or pulley systems for an elevator. The type really depends on your primary purpose, and involves balancing risks and ease of usage. Ramps, for example, give predators an access method.


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