Valley Dwellers

We are a rather mixed group here, from various origins. Soldiers, mercenaries, Scouts, farmers, hunters, merchants, nobles... From the eastern territories, central, western, other countries. Some of us have no formal allegiance to the Old Country, some probably secretly want to seize power over it, many are loyal subjects or never even knew they had a choice. Yet here we find ourselves, and for many here, it may very well become permanent.   You already can tell from when we talk about the Old Country. The term itself indicates as much, it is the old country, and the valley is the new. Right now this is where the refugees will come. But in the end, this valley is hard to get to and easy to secure. While we expect to keep ties, it may very well become its own country. Which raises the question on who will be in charge. Speaking of, perhaps the Montchild Faction should worry about winning the people's hearts, instead of refusing to properly assist.   So what happens next? Say we manage to settle here, hold back the dark, farm enough to supply everyone, gather the resources needed for proper self-sufficiency. Then what? In the end, some folks will leave, including nobles, knights, and scouts. Some will come back, like merchants and some of the scholars. And of course, thousands more refugees will come here, as here they will be able to get land.   But then what of the old country? Will it keep standing? Or will we need to send reinforcements, in return for a fair trading route? What should we do if it falls? Just lock down the valley? Prepare aid to help reclaim it? Will there be enough support for that?   I cannot answer that question right now. But I can say this, we shouldn't count our chickens until they hatch. Let's first actually manage to survive here, there are still too many unknowns.


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