Ward Manual

Article contains spoilers (written from a mid-campaign perspective)

  Ancient Runes are essential to survive in the valley. Graveyards are still protected, despite the entire valley having fallen, showing exactly how powerful they are. With some negative influence still out there, corrupting some creatures and even causing folks to fall ill, mastering the Ancient Runes is absolutely necessary for us to be able to create more safe havens.   Yet the past valley residents were incredibly secretive about the production process. Try as the Ravenmight Institute did, its scholars could not figure out a proper crafting recipe. All because all documents seem to have been taken or destroyed, supposedly to prevent the information from getting in the wrong hands.   Then, just as people are falling sick in some exploratory corners of the valley, showing the dangers of the spreading negative influence, just as people were beginning to despair, a single document was found. Nicknamed the Ward Manual, the document explains the requirements for making both temporary and permanent wards, which are exactly what is needed right now. Coincidence? Not many believe so.   It is hard to believe the manual just happened to pop up as it was needed, while no other documents were discovered in any house or library. Vague references were all the scholars managed to get their hands on. But now, we have a manual. It seems implausible that this was coincidence. But then what is the alternative? That some survivor covertly planted it? That there are those among us that know enough to write up such a document?   Is the document a trap? Is it a covert aid by someone who keeps some very dangerous secrets? Can we even afford to worry about that? Right now, we are desperate. Can we really afford to hold back? We all know the answer to that.


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