Azarketi Species in Vashald | World Anvil
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Azarketi are a newly discovered race believed to have been created by the former Sea Elven goddess, Cascadia. Once human, the Azarketi were willingly transformed to be her servants in the sea below. Today, many Azarketi villages have sprung up near coastal waters, trading with the local populace for deep sea resources. They’re often seen as mercenaries who follow in the water of trading fleets.

Basic Information


Azarketi look human with a few fishlike qualities. For one, their gills protrude on their neck and they’re unable to stay on land forever. They also have begun growing scales over parts of their skin.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Azarketi society is a new one. Many have adopted the traditions of the now extinct Sea Elves, while others prefer to live simple lives as traders fishers and mercenaries.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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