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Your support encourages us to keep writing. Be sure to follow Vazdimet and Fillimet to receive notifications and updates on new content!
Also consider following our author pages: Morgan Biscup and Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull.

Your Support Helps Vazdimet Grow

  Want to dive into the stories and secret corners of Vazdimet, while also helping us fund our writing so we can add more? Consider a subscription!  

Paid Subscriptions and Benefits

$3 Learn

Learn all of Vazdimet's faction-specific worldbuilding secrets, regardless of faction. This tier unlocks all faction memberships.   Rewards require a (free!) World Anvil account to access.
  • Listed on my Patrons Page
  • Faction-Specific Lore Access
Factions of Vazdimet
Generic article | Dec 9, 2023

A political summary of the ever-changing universe.


$5 Read

Read Vazdimet's stories before publication. This tier unlocks all Vazdimet's in-work stories, in all their various stages of drafting and editing, regardless of planned publication date.   Rewards require a (free!) World Anvil account.
  • Listed on my Patrons Page
  • Novel Early Access
Read the Stories
Generic article | Oct 2, 2024

Launch into adventures of hope, perseverance, and self-discovery across Vazdimet's wartorn universe.


$6 Know

Enjoy both early access to the novels of Vazdimet and full access to all faction-specific worldbuilding secrets across Vazdimet's World Anvil pages. This tier includes everything in the "Learn" and "Read" tiers. A 25% savings!   Rewards require a (free!) World Anvil account.
  • Listed on my Patrons Page
  • Faction-Specific Lore
  • Novel Early Access
here for bonus info

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Welcome to Vazdimet's faction-specific information.   You'll find buttons like this across Vazdimet, color-coded by faction. If you've joined the applicable faction, or subscribe at any tier except "Read", simply click to view!

$15 Interact

Interact with Vazdimet in a whole new way! In addition to all rewards from the prior tiers, "Interact" subscribers may work with Vazdimet to create and add their own Original Character* in the universe of Vazdimet.   Rewards require a (free!) World Anvil account.   *By creating a character in Vazdimet you agree to grant Vazdimet Studios full, unlimited, non-exclusive rights to said character and their posts. (This allows us the option to mention your character and the events surrounding them in the articles and novelization of Vazdimet. For more information, see the Fan Content Policy and Discussion Board Rules). The writers of Vazdimet reserve the right to edit character profiles as necessary.  
  • Listed on my Patrons Page
  • Novel Early Access
  • Faction-Specific Lore Access
  • Original Character in Vazdimet

$25 Explore

Explore Vazdimet to the fullest. Access all the Lore and all the stories and all rewards from other tiers... and then some.   A cherished member such as yourself deserves something extra special, so you'll also have access to privately released worldbuilding articles and deeply hidden secrets across Vazdimet. All the deeply hidden secrets of Vazdimet we've published across the world will be yours to uncover. WARNING: This tier contains spoilers.   Rewards require a (free!) World Anvil account.
  • Listed on my Patrons Page
  • Full Access to All Published Lore
  • Novel Early Access
  • Faction-Specific Lore Access
  • Original Character in Vazdimet

My Beloved Patrons

Many thanks to my Subscribers

Many thanks to all my Patreon patrons for your monetary support towards my work! You mean more to me than words can ever express. If you would like to join these wonderful people in supporting my work please visit my Patreon or Ko-fi.


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