
Long have mothers told their children of the mischievous Fae. In Dolten, these are truths. For in the northern woods of the Abhorrent Arboreal, lies the Fae wood. Their have been many children that have gone missing do to the strange actions of the Fae. However, even though many are stolen, some make thier back home. But even though they may return, these children are forever changed.   You were one of these children. the reason you were taken is irrelevant, all you remember are flashes of horrible beauty and unsettling laughter. These errant memories still haunt you to this day. But, you learn to live with it. It’s not all bad after all.   The Fae-Lost walk with a strange air about them. This strange presence has made some things easier on you. Your spell DC for Enchantment spells is increased by 1.   You have always had heightened senses, probably do to the vivid sensations you were exposed to, forced your body to adapt. Skill Prof – Perception   Corruption Bonus – +1 Charisma   Corruption Ability: You suffer the wrath of the druids of the storm. You have vulnerability to lightning damage.


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