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Cinder Vale

The Cinder Vale, a blight on the reputation of both Kaldunsk and the Sylvan Enclave, is a large section of burned forest within Northern Kaldunsk. Having been the site of a powerful rebellion, the site now stands as a reminder to those who might attempt to fight back against Kaldunskan authority. Over time, resentment in this region of Kaldunsk grew until it reached a point of open conflict. Knowing they could not hold their own against the armies of Kaldunsk, they called upon the Cypress Queen for aid. She sent them a single seed, which would grow into a force capable of standing against Kaldunsk. While the war ended badly for the rebels, their fight still perseveres and the forest fights with them.


The Cinder Vale used to be a beautiful, temperate forest, until it was destroyed by war and rebellion. Some remnants of its former beauty remain in isolated regions, but most of the forest now lies burned and destroyed. This new forest, though, comes with its own solemn, quiet beauty. The trees here burn perpetually, fighting against the fire trying to consume them, fighting to grow. The wildlife has all but fled, but the forest itself fights on against the tyranny of Yelena Mikhailova.

Localized Phenomena

The forest in the Cinder Vale burns perpetually, drastically influencing the ecosystem and ways of life in the forest. Many animals and fey have been permanently changed by the calamity, having gained fire-related abilities or adaptations.


The Cinder Vale, formerly called the Amber Vale, was once a very popular spot for both fey and druids. Since fey had long been banned from the Forest of the Verdant Crown in the East by the Cypress Queen, they tended to live in western forests in much greater numbers. Druids often flocked to this forest as well, since its natural beauty and ancient growth trees were perfect for learning their craft and honing their power. This, of course, gave way to settlements. During the reign of Epimar Minohn, there were many humans here along with other races, especially firbolgs, eladrin, and gnomes. All of these races remain even now in large numbers, with the exception of humans. Druids have long maintained a powerful presence here, making sure the settlements in the Vale maintain good relationships with the forest and avoid taking too much while giving too little.   When the Kaldunskan tribes were united, the Amber Vale became a part of the territory. This didn't happen right away, of course, as the settlements in the Vale were not part of the tribes, but the people of the Vale were forced to make a deal to join Kaldunsk or risk losing their forest. Kaldunsk, being heavily militaristic, would have preferred war, since it helps to unite their people, but they accepted this deal (along with a sizeable portion of the population as conscripts for the army, as well as taking any spellcasters to join the upper military ranks.)   As time went on, the people of the Amber Vale grew restless, getting more and more frustrated with the lack of druidic presence in their forests. Military fortresses were built just outside of the Vale to house the druids as a way of compromising, but this was only the beginning of the problem. Resentment grew and grew, giving way to the rise of what is now the Ashwood Rebellion. Planning in secret, the Ashwood Rebellion planned carefully, slowly refusing more and more of the demands of Kaldunsk while building up their forces. The rebellion also turned to the Cypress Queen, whose distant forests were known to be great and powerful, hoping she could bolster their own forest. When Kaldunsk finally took up arms to subdue the dissenters, they found an army ready to oppose them. This war went on for years before Kaldunsk finally decided to be done with it, sending in their general Yelena Mikhailova. She went in with fire, burning the Vale through and through, crushing the rebellion. From this point on, the region became known as the Cinder Vale, and Yelena became its sovereign, loyal only to Kaldunsk.    The forest, though, having been bolstered by a seed from the Cypress Queen, continued its fight, resisting the flames. The people who still remained in the Vale were inspired by the forest's continued fight. Druids returned to the forests, using the powers of the wildfire to bolster their powers, and the rebellion has continued in secret, with Yelena none the wiser. She rules by fear and the valefolk let her believe she is succeeding.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Contested By


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