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Luath, the Arrow of the Ashwoods

Arrow of the Ashwoods Kelmaris Shulkentessiath (a.k.a. Ola Nathair, Luath)

Once a citizen of the Amber Vale as a child, Luath and his twin sister were among the survivors of its destruction. Over time, they became infamous across Vhakatshu under many different names, stealing, manipulating, and otherwise deceiving their way into what they needed to survive until the two of them disappeared entirely. Nobody knows what happened after that, but Luath returned with far more power than ever before, allied himself with the Ashwood Rebellion, and has been fighting against Yelena Mikhailova and her Ember Guard ever since. He remains vague about the circumstances of his disappearance, seeking only to put a stop to the horrors of the Cinder Vale.   Luath has become a nigh unstoppable threat to Yelena's reign over the forest, always appearing where nobody expects him and disappearing with almost no trace. Yelena has placed a large price on his head and even a lordship to whoever can bring him back dead or alive.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a child, Luath was named Ril Shulkentessiath. He lived with his family in a small village within the Amber Vale, where he and his sister Dalli played among the trees. One day, when they were around the age of 10, their village was no longer safe. A wildfire was spreading across the entire vale and drawing far too close. Alongside their aunt, the two children fled the village, fled everything they had ever known. She raised them, teaching them how to lie and cheat to make a living. The notoriety of the group eventually got the better of them, and the twins were offered freedom if they could lead their aunt into a trap. Their plan succeeded and their aunt was arrested, but the twins were still not let off the hook. Escaping the law one final time, they fled into the depths of a nearby forest and were never seen again until Luath's reappearance.    Throughout his life, Luath had also been plagued by nightmares, entirely preventing his use of magic. Even after seeking help from the Church of the Hallowed Rest, his nightmares would not relent and he found it difficult to even sleep, let alone cast spells. He did start to notice, though, that some of these dreams gave him glimpses of possible futures that he could prevent if he was careful. Many of these visions were hard to understand until just before the moment they happened.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Stalking the Ember Guard
Current Location
One blue, one a lighter blue
Long, loose, brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, wooded texture
Aligned Organization


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