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Republic of Humanity

The Republic of Humanity considers itself to be the perfect successor to the Empire of Man. People of every race settle within its borders, seeking a better life and believing in its goal of reuniting the world. The Republic of Man took the ideals of the Empire of Man and expanded on them, updating them to fit in with the new state of the world and its people. Though it is a fledgling nation, it has done a lot in its short existence, obtaining titles and lands via wars, diplomacy, and other strategies. Its primary strength is its republican nature, which allows its people to decide on new emperors. The city of Dhûivwøhì lies within its borders and has full sovereignty, possibly becoming the capital at some point in the future. For now, though, their capital is a small city, Sondoa, located on the southern end of Lake Lapitir.   Though anyone can run for Emperor, the position is elected by the noble houses. Everyday citizens have little say in who gets elected, but some nobility holds smaller elections among the populace to help them decide which candidate to vote for. Many within the Republic want this system to change so that more people can have a say in what happens. This, alongside the lack of militia to defend some of the Republic's interior, has led to a lot of unrest and banditry within their borders.

Demography and Population

The Republic of Humanity has a very diverse population, with certain protections in place for the human settlements located around the nation. Its population is quite large and it attracts many people from across the world, who flock to its promises of a comfortable life. The sole requirement for citizenship in the republic is serving in the army for two years. This requirement only applies to one person in a family, whose children and spouse will then become full citizens along with them. This ensures that even if the person serving dies, their family can live on in the republic with full citizenship benefits and children are not left orphaned.


The lands currently held by the Republic of Humanity primarily comprise the 'original' lands of the Empire of Man, since it was reduced in size by the Empire's fall. The Republic has expanded somewhat beyond this original territory and currently shows no signs of stopping, but the threat of war and the difficulty of making diplomatic treaties with some of the nations around them have caused the Republic to reach an abrupt standstill in its expansion.   The Republic of Humanity also makes significant efforts to expand eastward, into the unexplored, dangerous territories of the Wyrd, the Impasse, and the Myst. Their greatest focus is on exploring the Myst, but a colony was recently created to facilitate exploration of the Wyrd (See Providence).


The Republic of Humanity prides itself on its military, which is primarily used for its own defense but is also used for the republic's expansion into other territories. Part of the strength of the Republic's army comes from the law that in order to become a citizen, you must serve for two years in the army (See demographics).


The Republic grants its citizens freedom of religion, leading different regions of their territory to become dominated by large populations of the same religion. Many folk religions remain prevalent across the nation's territory, especially in more rural regions. Some of these sects are devoted to a well-known god with rituals special to a community while others worship gods that none outside of that religion have ever heard of before. Influence from the Lusanites has also led it to become a prominent religion within the towns that border the desert.
Even so, the most common religion, especially in Sondoa and in Dhûivwøhì, is still the Imperial Pantheon, though it is sometimes joined with gods from other pantheons and religions.

Foreign Relations

Because of their standstill in expansion, the Republic has begun advancing into the Dusveci Desert, making deals with the Lusanites and taking advantage of some of the other tribal groups in the desert. Though their expansion is slow, it is progressing as they move through the desert, creating many conflicts with the Moon Travelers and the Nehebkau. Another difficulty of the Republic's expansion is the climate of the desert, which fluctuates constantly between harsh hot and cold temperatures.   The republic has also recently turned its eyes towards The Kingdom of Savassan, whose struggles in dealing with the Sylvan Enclave have left them vulnerable.

Agriculture & Industry

While the Republic of Humanity does have some agriculture, their forests and swamps create space limitations for farming. Because of this, the Republic trades a lot of cereals and other agricultural products from The Kingdom of Savassan. Because of ancient agreements with Sylvans in the area, the Republic has the ability to harvest far more lumber than is permitted in other parts of the world. The lumber industry has since become an important part of their trade alongside various magical services that other countries or organizations may need the use of. Since the Mages' Alliance is headquartered within the Republic's territory, such services provide a significant boon to the economy.
The Republic also has a lot of well-maintained mines south of Lake Lapitir, where various precious metals have been discovered.

Trade & Transport

A lot of trade passes through Sondoa in order to more quickly travel west through Dhûivwøhì and onward to the western nations. The Imperial Highway has many connections through Dhûivwøhì, so trade can travel from there much quicker than from any other part of the nation, leading many merchants to send their goods through the city despite the taxes the city demands.


Much of the Empire's original infrastructure remains, especially in big cities. Sewer systems, highways, and aqueducts remain in place, to name a few. The Republic's borders are heavily fortified and monitored to make sure nobody sneaks in or invades. Ancient castles and fortresses dot the landscape, some fallen to ruin and others still in use.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
The Republic exports a lot of raw materials like wood and precious metals. This mostly goes to countries like Tharkenwod and Kaldunsk. Exotic animal pelts, clay, and coal are commonplace resources as well.
Major Imports
Weapons and refined materials are usually imported from other countries like Kaldunsk and Tharkenwod, who are known for their skill in weaponsmithing and artifice respectively. While weapons and tools are made within the country, the highest quality items come from without. Before the conflict started, a lot of luxuries like wine and spices were imported from the Maritime Principalities, which have now become more scarce.
Legislative Body
Laws are written by the elected Emperor, who must send them to a council of representatives for approval. In this way, it is easy to evaluate how well an emperor is doing their job. If very few of their laws get passed, then their aims clearly conflict with the ideas of a group, be it the council itself or the population that voted them in. Generally, emperors are voted in for life, but certain political actions can be taken to cause an early election. A term limit of 100 years exists in the event that a race like an elf is elected, as they would live for several generations of other races otherwise, at which point they may no longer become favorable.
Executive Body
When an Emperor is elected, they choose a Head of Enforcement. This person's job is to manage the guards and guard captains of the nation. This takes the form of a second feudal system, whereby the Head of Enforcement commands multiple "Duke-Marshalls" who manage Duchies alongside the Duke (and are elected by them). From here, the chain of command goes down as it would in a feudal system, with the final tier being a guard captain.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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