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Rosi Atherton

Sovereign of the Sea (a.k.a. The Black Rose)

Rosi Atherton has garnered quite the reputation as Sovereign of the Sea. During her reign, the land owned by the Maritime Principalities has waned significantly, due in no small part to Atherton's ability to assimilate pirates and even the Principalities' own privateers into the organization. Atherton also oversaw the completion of the Daughter of the Sea, a massive undertaking that required the combined efforts of many different groups within the Archipelago. The Daughter of the Sea is the grand military ship of the Sovereign, larger than any ship made before, and kept afloat with the aid of druids and special bargains with undersea powers.   Atherton is feared by many and loved by many more and is by no means evil. Having grown up in the Principalities, she knows how they operate and what their goals are, and empathizes with those affected by the Princes. She does what she can to save islanders from slavers and anyone seeking to profit off of their lands. This altruism is also facilitated by her fervent belief that all should be free to create their own destinies, even on land. This sentiment is shared by all followers of Mymlos, though many will admit they don't hold as strong of a devotion as Atherton.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rosi Atherton was born under very unremarkable circumstances. Her father, a sea elf, and her mother, a human, knew they would be unable to take care of her given their living conditions in Sera Garabi. They left her in the lobby of the Grand Emperor Hotel, hoping someone more wealthy would take her in. Their assumption was correct, but they did not realize how much of a change Rosi's life would take from this moment. One of the Maritime Princes found her and took her in, giving her the current name that she possesses.   Rosi had a very pampered life, granted everything she ever wanted since the family that raised her was not able to have kids themselves. One day when she was about 3 years old, her parents discovered that she was seaborn. They spent much of her life trying to keep her from realizing what it would mean and hide her from Sarana Mymlos. This secret was part of the reason why she was pampered and given anything she wanted: if she was complicit she wouldn't have any reason to investigate any secrets. Rosi gradually grew bored of this life, wanting to go on an adventure and see the world (something her parents never allowed her to do).   When Rosi was older, around age 16, she was visiting the docks with her parents to learn more about the family business when she noticed someone else bearing the same mark as her. Sneaking away from her parents, she asked the goliath man what the mark meant. Before he could answer her parents found her and told her to come with them. The goliath quickly handed her a note saying to meet him at the same location in two nights. Rosi waited eagerly for the specified time and planned her escape. Everything went well and she managed to find the goliath, who then took her aboard his ship and explained what the mark of the sea was: she was destined to live free on the waves, serving none but herself and Mymlos. He asked her if she'd like to join his crew, allowing her time to pack her things, but she insisted she had nothing important she needed to take with her and nobody to say goodbye to. She felt betrayed by her parents whom she had come to trust since they had kept such an important secret hidden from her, and was ready to set out right away. Accepting her decision, the goliath captain finally introduced himself as Illikan Atherton, whose name Rosie eventually adopted. He gave her room and board, promised her privacy, and swore to teach her the sailor's craft.   Rosi Atherton would go on to become a legendary sailor and devoted follower of Mymlos. Her notoriety would lead her to be chosen as the successor to the Sovereign of the Seas.
Current Status
Investigating an ancient, forgotten empire under the sea
Circumstances of Birth
Her parents did not want her, left her in the Grand Emperor Hotel
Appears like water
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Middle-brown, but with a slight tinge of blue; freckles on cheeks
143 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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