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Sarana Mymlos

Sarana Mymlos, or "Sons of Mymlos" is a seafaring organization which often rivals the Maritime Principalities. Sarana Mymlos often works with islander tribes, freeing captured islanders or aiding them in a myriad of other ways against the merchants' mercenary armies.   Often called pirates or lowlifes, Sarana Mymlos is somewhat of a holy order, valuing the freedom the sea can bring and aiding others in achieving that freedom wherever they can. There is no room for greed among their ranks; everyone gets their fair share. Their most hated enemies are the privateers hired by the Maritime Principalities, who sail the seas out of greed and want for money. Even so, they are merciful towards defeated adversaries and even invite defeated privateers to join them, if they can be trusted. The greedy never have a place in their organization.   Sarana Mymlos has existed just as long as people have existed. Ever since the first islanders of the Sayale Archipelago began sailing and praying to Mymlos for safe passage, some sort of order has existed. As the order of Mymlos became more established, a leader became necessary. The Empire of Man's appearance increased this need for a leader and many of the traders and sailors appearing in the archipelago began to pray to Mymlos for safe passage as well. Merchants and politicians exploiting the natives also caused a push for freedom from these "conquerors". The islanders found their saviors within themselves and within the various pirate factions across the islands. Together, they united against their common threat, with Chief Viliamu Tauati and Captain Minster 'Defiance' Copeland taking up the mantle as leaders. The two of them made sacred pledges to Mymlos and were blessed with special powers and a mark of the sea as a reward for their devotion.   Nowadays, recruits to the Sons of Mymlos are obtained via children born with the mark of the sea. Usually, this happens to those born at sea, but sometimes other island residents develop a mark or have one at birth. This mark cannot be removed by any means and even those who are kept from the sea will find their way to it.


The Sovereign of the Sea oversees most administrative functions of Sarana Mymlos and sometimes presides over disputes between the organizations' major fleets. Otherwise, the organization's members follow a hierarchy much like any full-fledged nation's military, with Admirals at the head, followed by individual captains. When not involved in military operations, however, individual captains could take their crews wherever they wanted and do any job they want. Anything from exploring to smuggling to ferrying civilians or piracy is allowed because the sea is a place of perfect freedom.


Sarana Mymlos believes that everyone should be free, and sees Mymlos as the best possible representation of this freedom. In Mymlos there is nothing but wide-open sea where you're not limited in direction. Its members maintain certain codes even when committing piracy that all members are expected to abide by, and many sailors often sacrifice offerings of gold or other valuables to Mymlos for safe passage. Any 'sea-born' are taken as part of the organization, usually marked with a special blue marking somewhere on their skin. It is possible for those born on land to possess such a mark too, affirming their place as someone truly chosen by Mymlos.

Public Agenda

Sarana Mymlos often presents itself as an organization of freedom fighters that aids the Sayalan islanders in pushing back the Maritime Principalities. In general, they defend themselves and other sea- and island- dwellers from threats to their own sovereignty. If a threat were to arise that affected both the Maritime Principalities and the islanders, Sarana Mymlos would fight to protect them both.

Onwards We Row

Military Order
Alternative Names
Sons of Mymlos, Seaborn,
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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