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Sera Vimali

Capital of the Maritime Principalities and the busiest maritime trade hub in the world, Sera Vimali represents the greatest heights of decadence --- and the lowest ends of poverty. The rich and well-off often own luxurious homes in the city that act as either getaways or permanent residences. The poor live in more squalid conditions on the city's outskirts, and going out at night is ill-advised since they are a hotbed for crime. The city's owner, the Maritime Prince Enrico Verale works to reduce crime but is often unaware of his own shortcomings and continues to consolidate wealth among the upper class while trying to suppress criminals and the lower class.   The city itself is quite large, its size being exacerbated by the shanty towns on its outskirts. Several buildings stand quite tall with varying purposes. A hotel, a palace, and a center for managing trade ports are a few examples.   Sera Vimali's shantytowns, often referred to as Sera Garali (The City of Garbage), are considered an eyesore among the beauty of the land around the city. As such, magical illusions are used to mask their presence, so as to maintain the view. Sera Garali has become a hotbed for crime and unsavory activity, kept even better hidden by these illusions. Enrico Verale remains somewhat ignorant of the problems faced by the people who live in these shantytowns, and his attempts to fix the problem have often made it worse.


Sera Vimali is inhabited by a large variety of races. Many of the wealthy have jobs as traders, manufacturers, or plantation owners. The poor make up a large portion of the population, with the poorest of them inhabiting Sera Garali.


Sera Vimali's defenses include a set of raised walls along the docks. Guards watch these areas and check every ship that comes through. Artificers from the Society for the Advancement of High Technology have provided powerful defenses for the city in the event of an invasion. Walls have also been constructed around the high town.


Sera Vimali has a large, mazelike sewer system and very elaborate shipyards.


Hightown - Location of many of the towering buildings and luxuries. Enrico Verale's palace is located here, overlooking the whole city.   Sera Garali - Poorest district of the city, home to gangs, crime, and the homeless. The whole area is hidden from view by magical illusions.   Import Docks - Located on the southern coastline of the city, next to the Downtown, this section of docks is much smaller than the export docks but is used for arrivals of tourists and imported goods.   Export Docks - Located on the northern coastline of the city, next to Hightown, this whole section of docks is devoted to exports, of which the Maritime Principalities have many.   Downtown - Largest district, home to many residences, shops, and industries.   Guild Center - Located in Downtown, home to several guild halls, including the Monster Hunters' Guild, the Society for the Advancement of High Technology, and the Mages' Alliance.


Sera Vimali has access to almost anything its (wealthy) citizens may need. Given their massive trade presence across Lutar Minohn, most resources are easily accessible.

Guilds and Factions

The Society for the Advancement of High Technology has a very populous guild hall in Sera Vimali, and the Maritime Princes provide a lot of funding to their research efforts. The Mages' Alliance has a guildhall in the city which serves as a small liaison to the larger university elsewhere in the Principalities.


Sera Vimali was once the capital of The Empire of Vim's land settlements. After the war ended with Vim's destruction, Sera Vimali was destroyed down to its foundations, but eventually the city was rebuilt on top of those ruins to serve as a trade hub for the Principalities.

Points of interest

The Princes' palace: Inhabited permanently by Enrico Verale, this palace also serves as a council hall for the most influential Maritime Princes.   SAHT laboratory: Located in the Hightown guild center, this laboratory has produced many wonders, even dating back to the time of the Empire of Man.   Grand Emperor Hotel: A luxurious inn located in Hightown, complete with a casino, private beach, and high quality but very expensive rooms.   MA Administration Hall: The Mages' Alliance likes to maintain a presence in every major city, and Sera Vimali is no exception. This administrative hall functions as a branch of the nearby campus and also allows quick transport to the city for members of the Alliance.   Customs Houses: In the Import and Export Docks there are customs houses which are quite large. They serve as means of monitoring all incoming and outgoing trade.   Guard Barracks. There are two of these around the city, which monitor different areas. One barracks is constructed near Sera Garali to monitor activity just outside of it and in that part of the city. The other barracks are near the docks.


Tourism is more popular in Sera Vimali than in any other location in the Principalities. Part of this is due to its advertising and accompanying reputation. The other part of this is because it is genuinely a very luxurious, nice city.   There is plenty for tourists to do here, and even for those planning to go further into the island or the Sayale Archipelago, Sera Vimali often acts as a starting point before they get on a ferry to other islands. Shops provide supplies, souvenirs, food, and anything else people might look for.


Sera Vimali is located along a coast, in the small bay of a much larger bay. The land nearby is fairly flat, but the vineyards and farms provide a gorgeous view that gradually shifts into Mediterranean, deciduous forests. Far beyond are the [UNNAMED] mountains, which conceal the islands beyond.
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