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The Moon Travelers

While the Moon Travelers are a diverse group of tribes, the scholars of other nations have grouped them all together by the general traits that they share in common. The Moon Travelers never go outside during the day. They are devout followers of Somabra and believe his personality traits of isolation and self-service are ideal. This self-service applies more to tribal groups than it does to an individual person. The Moonwalkers also see pride as a trait to be avoided. Pride is one of the most prominent traits of Lusanna, the goddess of the sun, whose heat bears down upon those who live within her domain. They bear much hatred for the Lusanites and many of the other civilizations of the world, whose civilizations and monuments are direct results of their pride from living in the sun. Moon elves and some species that would usually be seen only underground live among these tribes. Some more common races like humans and dwarves do live with the tribes but they are far less common and are regarded with much distrust at first. The Moonwalkers do not set up permanent settlements, preferring to roam the deserts.

Foreign Relations

The Moon Travelers take a very isolationist and sometimes hostile stance towards other nations and tribes. Outsiders who wish to speak to any tribal members will have difficulty even finding them, much less getting on neutral terms to initiate any form of diplomacy. Believing anyone they meet to have unfavorable personalities due to their constant exposure to Lusanna, they are very slow to trust and try to avoid any interaction with those outside their tribes.


The Moon Travelers' main laws are focused on avoiding the corruption of the sun. Forged metal, including weaponry, armor, and coinage, is banned among their tribes, and anyone from outside of their tribe that is seen using such things will be met with immediate distrust. To this end, Moon Travelers are often completely covered from head to toe, both to protect from the cold and to avoid any of Lusanna's light touching their skin. During the day, the Moon Travelers sleep in cots built by covering a small burrow in thick layers of cloth.

Agriculture & Industry

Because of the lack of diplomacy and resources, the Moon Travelers tend to live very modest lives, living off of the few animals and plants that grow among the desert outside of the sand dunes. Tribal groups will often travel to the Evvidan River to get water and resources that they need, and those who live near the river will trade with other tribal groups to exchange the resources they need.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Economic System
Gift economy
The Moon Travelers have been known to travel all over the Fashdhùhi Desert, but their most common areas are in the central parts of the desert where, ironically, the Sun burns the hottest. In this region, there are sand dunes and very little plant life, and the land is quite barren. At night, this region matches descriptions some Moon Travelers have given of the surface of Somabra.
The Moon Travelers do not have an official form of currency and tend to rely on gifts even from other nations. They refuse to use or even touch any form of physical currency, Imperial or otherwise, as they believe it to be tainted by the light of Lusanna.
Neighboring Nations

Tenuous peace


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