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The Grave Guards

Prior to the rise of the Empire of Man, the Grave Guards were disparate priests and soldiers dedicated to serving Orus's will by hunting down undead and providing funeral services to ensure souls would properly reach Orus. The Grave Guards could often be seen on coastlines, ever vigilant to Vimali raids, but there were often priests all over the continent. As humanity rose to power and sought to remove the Vimali threat, the Grave Guards grew more united with the aid of imperial factions. Working alongside world leaders, the faithful were able to build a temple hierarchy in the nation's capital and major cities. Priests of Esara soon followed, leading to the creation of the Cathedral of Life and Death. The leaders of the Grave Guards are housed in the Orus wing of the cathedral and their other outposts are usually parts of the various temples dedicated to Orus.
The Grave Guards served a vital role in the The War of the Coast, providing relief to the injured and using divine power to strike down the undead. While they did not possess large numbers, the aid they were able to provide was enough to match the rest of the Imperial army. There are even some priests and soldiers who are said to have become immortal themselves, blessed by Orus to continue serving his cause indefinitely. It is even said that some of these priests were seen to die on the battlefield but got back up again later, their scars forever remaining on their bodies. 
Now that the empire has fallen, the Grave Guards still carry out their primary role of hunting down the undead, but they also seek to provide relief from Ohn's Bane, an affliction they believe was caused by the Vimali.

Tenets of Faith

The primary roles of the Grave Guards are to hunt the undead, provide relief from Ohn's Bane, stop Musmizh from being used for evil, and serve Orus in any other capacity that becomes necessary. Priests not directly serving the Grave Guards work in temples to aid in ushering the dead into the afterlife.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests may find themselves granted the ability to speak to the dead, rebuke the undead, and perform magical funeral ceremonies. Paladins and holy knights will obtain the ability to further pacify the undead and even gain a divine form of undeath granted by Orus himself.

Death unites us.

Religious, Holy Order

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