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The Imagicane

The imagicane is still only partly understood. Its forms change from person to person, taking the shape of each person's imagination as it best fits them. To one person it may be a written language, while to another they understand Imagicanium as a musical language. Anyone who wields the imagicane will find that its visible form changes depending on the user, meaning that when multiple people cast the same spell it presents itself in a unique way for each of them. While mastering imagicane is necessary to use magic, sometimes its use must be facilitated with external forces, be they a phrase, object, or hand movement. Studies of magic over the millennia have led to many discoveries about what can be done with it and although the forms and methods for casting a spell change, the one constant for casting a given spell is the material item. The rest must be determined by the caster.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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