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Yelena Mikhailova

Duchess of Embers (a.k.a. Queen of All That Burns)

Yelena Mikhailova, or the Duchess of Embers, fought against the Ashwood Rebellion with the power of flame, burning the forest and reclaiming the territory for Kaldunsk. She now lords over the territory, still trying to quell its citizens under her rule.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Never seen out of her uniform, whether that is a military uniform or a band uniform.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yelena was born to Mikhail Solovev and a mother she never knew. Having been raised without a mother, she only had a father to look to. Her father, of course, was the Mutual Friend of Kaldunsk, a very difficult position to hold for long. Growing up in his palace in Solitrov led Yelena to often feel very lonely, despite all of the servants and people available to cater to her every need. Her father had instructed her never to trust anyone. Throughout her youth, she learned the truth behind this lesson. Mikhail foiled several plots targeting himself or Yelena, one of which nearly ended in Yelena's death.   Yelena's father always doted on her and her fiery physique and attitude, encouraging her to lean into its nature and let it help her. He trained her in magic himself, teaching her to hone her innate magical powers and achieve something beyond what he himself could obtain. Something new for Kaldunsk. Mikhail regarded her training as the beginning of a dynasty that would become the ruling family of Kaldunsk for generations to come: an ambitious goal that none had yet to achieve before him.   As she grew older, she came to adore the Amber Vale, where the Mutual Friend's summer manor stands. Every summer, Yelena and her father would stay here, moving most of their servants and important people with them. She had always hoped it would become a permanent home, but her father always forced her back into the dreary halls of the palace in Solitrov. When the people of the Amber Vale started to rebel against her father, she was appalled. How could such nice people living in such a beautiful land do this to them? Her father informed her it was time for her to command an army, that she would be the one to quell their rebellion. Fearing what her father would do if she disappointed him, she agreed to lead the armies.   The war went on for many years with Yelena making little progress since she didn't want to destroy the Vale. Eventually, her desire to impress Mikhail outweighed her desire to protect the Vale and she went in with her mages to burn down the whole forest. Crying the whole time, the event led Yelena to become more distant and aggressive, but she had to do it, for the glory of her Mutual Friend.

Personality Characteristics


Living up to her father's expectations, or trying to usurp him. The submission of the Cinder Vale.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes cake, especially chocolate cake; Music, especially that of [unnamed region inspired by 1920s america]; Her father; The Amber Vale; Kaldunsk Dislikes the Ashwood Rebellion, ice cream,

Virtues & Personality perks

Self-confident, decisive, great strategist, talented musician

Vices & Personality flaws

Paranoid, wrathful, narrow-minded


Religious Views

Yelena regards herself as a champion of Olthys, chosen to spread the fires of rage wherever they are needed.

Hobbies & Pets

Plays cello in the national band, 2nd chair. Has recently taken up baking.
Current Status
Rehearsing with the national symphony
Current Location
Made of flame
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale red
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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