Blood Wrath Moon

by Kat Chiron in Canva (Bestgreenscreen)
  The Blood Wrath Moon happened on July 1st, 2004. Usually Blood Moons are celebrated by the Vampyr as they experience a 'high' and rise in energy levels. Parties and revelry continue for the duration of the Blood Moon.   This fateful night started as any other Blood Moon but instead of feeling the 'high', a small percentage of the vampyr population experienced uncontrollable 'wrath' instead. The epicentre of this destructive 'supernatural' event seemed to be The Arcane Quarter at a party that Serafina Thornwood was in attendance. It was not possible to tell whether Serafina had been one of the unfortunate vampyr to be affected by this 'wrath' as there was very little evidence left after the affected vampyr had torn each other to pieces.
I'll never forget the terrible savage animal sounds that I heard that night
— Blood Wrath Moon witness
Many speculated that the tragic victims had been sampling some untested recreational potions that had reacted with the 'natural' hormones that are triggered during a Blood Moon.   After the shock and grief of this terrible event, Garrick Thornwood imposed a strict security protocol on The Arcane Quarter. Nobody was allowed in or out without going through rigorous contamination procedures and filling out extensive transit forms. Needless to say people either stayed inside the Arcane Quarter or outside it.   A year of mourning took place after as the vampyr mourned their beloved first lady and to come to terms with the fear of what the future would bring after the impossible death of a pure-blood.


A Blood Moon is a total lunar eclipse that happens when a world is between its sun and moon. The moon then takes on a red hue. Usually, a Blood Moon gives a vampyr increased energy and a 'euphoria'.


A normal Blood Moon affects everyone positively. However, at the time of the Blood Wrath Moon only a small group were affected. Instead of the usual 'high', they experienced a frenzied 'rage' with devastating consequences.
This article is a work in progress!
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: by Kat Chiron in Canva


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Jul 13, 2023 10:52 by Marjorie Ariel

Interesting event. I'll be curious to know if such things happen again in the future....

Jul 14, 2023 08:38 by Kat Chiron

I think eventually they will find out the true cause of the Blood Wrath Moon and then we will know the likelihood of it happening again...

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Aug 15, 2023 10:12

Must be one hell of a drug PSA for the vampyr.   Love the element of speculation that comes with the origins why this event occurred, though I'd love to know more about the recreational potions they took, or if any attempts were ever made to recreate the event in a more controlled environment.

Aug 18, 2023 12:16

I really love this. So tragic, and so much mystery surrounding it.