Covenant of the Seven Hands

Hidden deep in the forest of the Wild Lands, is a monument to the unity of a species. A crafted slab of stone, set to be a reminder of all generations to come, that differences were set aside, and leaders, once feuding among each other, came together to defend their people from an invading army. The monument, hewn from the finest granite and carved with intricate symbols of the Underling clans, stands as a testament to their strength and resilience in the face of adversity.   At the center of the stone slab, a great seal is emblazoned - an interwoven design incorporating the emblems of each Den - all come together, their forms melding seamlessly into one another. This seal represents the historic accord reached by the leaders of the seven Dens, a pact forged in the crucible of war.   Surrounding the central seal, a series of intricate reliefs depict scenes from the great battle against the invaders. Underling warriors are shown standing shoulder to shoulder, their differences forgotten as they face a common foe. Droppers rain down volleys of arrows from the treetops, while swordsmen engage the enemy in fierce hand-to-hand combat on the forest floor. Mages weave powerful spells, their magic bolstering the strength and courage of their comrades.   At the base of the monument, an inscription is carved in the flowing script of the Underling tongue. It reads: "In the darkest hour, when all seemed lost, the Dens stood as one. United, we prevailed against those who sought to destroy us. May this stone forever remind us of the strength that lies in unity, and the folly of division."   The monument is surrounded by a small clearing, a place of quiet contemplation amid the bustling life of the forest. Soft moss carpets the ground, dotted with delicate wildflowers that sway gently in the breeze. Shafts of sunlight filter through the canopy above, dappling the stone with golden light. It is a place of peace and reflection, where Underlings come to remember the sacrifices of their ancestors and to renew their commitment to the bonds of kinship that hold their society together.   As generations pass, the monument endures, a silent witness to the ever-evolving story of the Underlings. It stands as a reminder of what they can achieve when they set aside their differences and work towards a common goal. And though the world around them may change, the lessons etched in stone remain constant, a guiding light for all who come after.


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