Leikkiä: The First Steps...

When an Underling child is brought into the world, love and joy abound. A new life is not only celebrated by one’s own family, but by the entire community. A new life means new strength to the Den, and a new ‘gift’ will soon bless the people as a whole.   …but how and where and when…does an Underling discover their ‘gift’?   They discover, or rather ‘find’ their gift in a Leikkiä…or house of play.   The Den is always abuzz with excitement as young Underling children run and laughingly played in the secure environment of the Leikkiä. The trees swayed and bobbed in the gentle breeze, casting dappled shadows across the ground where little ones tumbled about like cubs, joyful to be out from underfoot for a change. A nearby stream burbled merrily, its cool waters reflecting the vibrant colors of the world around it. The air was filled with chirping birdsong and delighted squeals as the children discovered their boundless energy within this magical land of wonder.   Here in the Leikkiä, they can be free to explore their surroundings without fear of harm; it is a place where they learn about themselves, discover their talents, and learn how to use their magic responsibly. Each child's gift is unique - some have the power to control water or create sparks of color with simple hand gestures; others talk to animals or create magnificent sand sculptures that come to life with just a touch. Intoxicating scents waft through the air as they pass by various stations set up by older Underlings there to guide and teach them about their newfound abilities.   A small group of children gathered around one such station, where an elderly male Underling stood with a tray of sweets. His wrinkled nose twitched appreciatively as he watched them sniff curiously at his wares before selecting one from his collection: fizzy-candy flowers that burst in their mouths with sweet tanginess or sugar-coated berries that danced on their tongues like tiny fireworks. "Now," he said with a wink, "who wants to try something really special?" One brave soul stepped forward, eyes wide as he accepted a glowing orb from the old man's hands. With a soft hum, it cast vibrant images of animals along the walls, floors and ceiling! Squeals filled the air as they raced about in giggles, naming each of the wonders shown.   At another station, a woman with a slipper bird fluttering above them twirled brightly-hued paint onto canvases suspended from trees. The children watched in rapt attention as she painted pictures that seemed to tell stories all on their own: mountains kissing clouds goodnight or stars playing hide-and-seek among the branches. She would dip her brush into various pots labeled 'happiness' or 'excitement', creating colors so vivid they felt as though they might fly off the canvas when finished.   Despite all these distractions though there's also quiet corners for introspection amidst crystal pools filled with color-changing fish; gardens blooming with flowers that cure homesickness; even hammocks swinging among clouds where one can contemplate life surrounded by stars at night. All these things, created and shared with little ones, to open their minds and hearts, and to spark their deepest potential and awaken the gifts from within.


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