No One Knows

The fire crackled in the hearth, casting flickering shadows on the stone walls of the ancient cavern. I sat on my favorite moss-covered rock, listening to the familiar bickering of the three old Underling women. Their voices, a blend of gravel and honey, filled the air with a sense of both comfort and impending doom.   “Bah, you don’t know what you’re talking about, Amao,” cackled Moab, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “The prophecy clearly states that the world will end when the three moons align and the Great Serpent awakens from its slumber.”   Amao, her face a map of wrinkles and wisdom, scoffed. “Nonsense, Moab. The moons aligning is just a fairy tale to scare the younglings. The real danger lies in the Heart of the Mountain. When the crystal shatters, our world will crumble into dust.”   Pae, the quietest of the trio, finally spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper. “You’re both wrong. The end will come when the last song of the Silver Bird is sung. Its melody will weave through the air, unraveling the very fabric of our existence.”   I couldn’t help but chuckle at their heated debate. Each of them was so convinced of their version of the prophecy, yet none could provide any proof. It was all based on ancient texts, half-forgotten tales, and the whispers of the wind.   “Why do you three always argue about this?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. “Can’t you just agree that none of us really know how the world will end?”   Moab’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned closer. “Ah, but that’s the beauty of it, child. The uncertainty keeps us on our toes, makes life a grand adventure. Who knows? Maybe all our prophecies are true, or maybe none of them are.”   Amao nodded, her expression softening. “Indeed. It’s the mystery that binds us together, gives us purpose. We may never know the truth, but we can still prepare for whatever comes our way.”   Pae smiled, her eyes filled with a gentle warmth. “And in the meantime, we can enjoy the time we have, share stories, and cherish our bonds. After all, it’s not the end that matters, but the journey we take to get there.”   As the fire crackled and the shadows danced, I realized that the prophecy, flawed and unverifiable as it was, held a deeper truth. It wasn’t about predicting the end of the world, but about living each day with courage, love, and a sense of wonder. And in that moment, surrounded by the laughter and wisdom of the three old Underling women, I felt a profound sense of peace.


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