Ripple: Where all are welcome

For several generations, rumors among the dens spoke of the tribe who abandoned the Underling way of life. The Skimmers were thought to have turned their backs on the Wild Lands. To have walked away from their duty and responsibility to their people and race.   Yet among the den who weather the violent storms of a sea, there were some who longed for a union once more. Young Underlings who yearned to know where they came from, and where their future lay. It was this generation who took to the seas and ventured home to the Wild Lands.   …only to be sorely disappointed.   Shunned by other Underlings, those of the Skimmer den sought solace along the waters their gifts allow them to influence and even control. Keeping to the outer rim of the Wild Lands, these outcasts established a settlement.   Ripple was a quaint village nestled on the edge of a vast, glistening ocean. It was a place where streams met the sea, and where rivers weaved their way through the landscape, creating a beautiful tapestry of waterways. The villagers were a mix of outcast Underlings and Skimmers who had been shunned by their own kind but found solace in each other's company. They used their unique gifts to build homes that hovered above the water, their webbed fingers deftly intertwining vines and branches to create a network of floating hamlets connected by wooden walkways. The smell of saltwater mixed with the sweet scent of blooming lilies that grew in the shallow streams, creating an intoxicating aroma that filled the air.   In Ripple, every day was spent either fishing or preparing for the next day's catch. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air as children played tag alongside schools of minnows, while adults mended their nets and tended to their gardens which floated on barges along the riverbanks. Older members of the community taught young ones how to harness their powers, to even calm stormy seas when necessary. Everyone worked together in harmony, helping each other - be it pulling up a heavy net full of fish or fixing a leaky boat dock.   The villagers were known for their hospitality, welcoming any traveler who stumbled upon their humble abode with open arms and full bellies. Their tables were always laden with freshly caught fish grilled over crackling driftwood fires, soft bread baked in underground ovens, and steaming cups of kelp tea. The taste of succulent shellfish and crispy-skinned trout lingered on your tongue long after you left their warm embrace. Evenings were spent around these same fires, swapping stories about magical creatures living deep beneath the waves or sharing tales from distant lands they had ventured to before settling here.   Under the starry sky, tales about loved ones long gone, singing haunting melodies at sunset and sea serpents guarding hidden treasures were not uncommon. The diamond twilight danced across dark waters like sparkling jewels from time to time, adding an ethereal glow to this land surrounded by water on all sides.   Despite being outcasts once, Ripple has become a haven for those seeking peace and rest from lives filled with adventure and hardship elsewhere in the Wild Lands. Its people were known for their bravery among others because they dared to face both the unknown dangers beneath the waves as well as those who might wish them harm from rival dens above it.   They were resilient because they knew how precious life in this beautiful yet unforgiving world can be.


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Aug 29, 2024 18:18 by Michael Chandra

I love how this article paints a picture of a group of outcasts creating a home together. Not just a place to stay, not just a village, but a home. A family.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
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