Ro: Child Changeling

When I think about a character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis, none go through more changes than young Ro. From the Crumbler Den, Ro is also half of the Voice of the I AM, but that’s not what makes this four inch Underling special.   No.   Ro happens to have a unique ‘gift’ which allows him to shape-shift into any living creature. This remarkable ability filled his tiny world with endless possibilities and larger-than-life adventures.   Like a chameleon adapting its skin to the colors of its surroundings, Ro could adopt the physical form of any being he chose, his small stature and seemingly frail body belying the vast potential that lay within him. His transformation began from the inside out. With eyes closed and heart rate slowed, he started by picturing the creature in his mind's eye -- every feather or fur, every scale or skin texture.   Imagination was key in this process. He visualized each detail with vivid clarity -- from the soft down of a bird's wing to the rugged hide of a rhinoceros. He had to see it, feel it; even taste and smell it. If he was to become a sparrow, he needed to recall the cool and airy sensation of wind beneath wings; for a lion, he would need to remember the musky scent of grasslands and the raw taste of fresh kill.   In his mind's theater, Ro put on a grand performance where he was both the director and actor. The stage was set with landscapes inhabited by these creatures—the mural was incomplete without this context. The scent of pine needles under a squirrel's paws, the crunching noise they made when sprinted across forest floors, everything became part of his mental performance.   He then worked on embodying their physicality. Like water flowing into a vessel takes its shape, he felt his body ebbing into new forms—vertebrae elongated or shrank for different animals, feathers sprouted instead of hair—or scales if he decided on a reptile—and color—blending with nature if he chose to be part of it or standing out vividly if he wished to artists' eye.   Upon this stage, Ro had to feel himself become smaller or larger—whichever suited his chosen creature best. His bones would re-align themselves as though they were made not of solid matter but pliant clay; his muscles would dance to the rhythm of his mental waves, taking on new forms, new structures.   Finally, when the transformation was almost complete, came the last and perhaps most crucial step: adopting the creature's instincts. Each animal had its very own set of instincts that guided it through life, and to truly become them, Ro had to embrace these instincts as his own. Whether it was a bird’s instinct to spread its wings and fly at the first sign of danger or a mole’s to burrow deep into the earth for safety, Ro embraced them all.   When he opened his eyes once again, he was no longer the small Underling everyone knew him as. He was now a wolf prowling through the forest under moonlight, an owl silently gliding in search of prey, or even a hummingbird hovering over blooming flowers. This miraculous ability had made Ro not just an observer of nature but an integral part of it – a true master of metamorphosis.   …even though he was just four inches tall.


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Aug 6, 2024 23:27 by Adam Tingley

I really enjoyed this post. I feel as though anyone playing a ttrpg druid needs to soak this one in!

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