Rock Solid

...I’m sitting in my cozy writer’s nook, sipping on a cup of something that smells suspiciously like dragon’s breath, and pondering the many ways these quirky creatures use rock in their daily lives.   You know, if there’s one thing Underlings can’t get enough of, it’s rock. And no, I’m not talking about the head-banging, guitar-smashing kind. I’m talking about the good old, solid-as-a-dragon’s-hide kind of rock. It’s everywhere in their world, and for good reason. Let me take you on a little tour of their rocky adventures.   1. Homes Sweet Homes: Ever tried building a house out of twigs and leaves? Yeah, it doesn’t end well. Underlings figured that out pretty quickly. So, they turned to rock. Their homes are like miniature fortresses, carved into the sides of mountains or built from massive stone blocks. These houses can withstand anything – from the fiercest storms to the occasional rampaging troll. Plus, there’s something undeniably cozy about curling up in a stone-walled room with a roaring fire.   2. Tools of the Trade: Forget flimsy wooden tools. Underlings use rock for everything from hammers to chisels. Need to crack open a particularly stubborn nut? Grab a rock hammer. Want to carve intricate designs into your front door? A rock chisel will do the trick. These tools are practically indestructible, and they give Underlings that satisfying feeling of wielding something with real heft.   3. Pathways to Adventure: Navigating the rugged terrain of the Underling world isn’t for the faint of heart. That’s why they lay down rock pathways. These sturdy trails wind through forests, over hills, and across rivers, guiding Underlings on their daily journeys. And let’s be honest, there’s nothing quite like the sound of your boots crunching on a gravel path as you set off on a new adventure.   4. Artistic Endeavors: Underlings are surprisingly artistic for a bunch of rock enthusiasts. They carve statues, create intricate mosaics, and even paint on stone canvases. Their art is a testament to their love of rock – each piece tells a story, from epic battles to peaceful moments of reflection. And the best part? These works of art last for centuries, a permanent reminder of their creators’ skill and imagination.   5. Defenses Against the Dark: In a world where danger lurks around every corner, Underlings take their defenses seriously. They build stone walls around their villages, set up rock barricades, and even craft rock weapons. When the night is dark and full of terrors, there’s nothing more reassuring than knowing you’re protected by solid rock. It’s like having a loyal, unyielding guardian by your side.   Rock isn’t just a material for Underlings – it’s a way of life. It’s their shelter, their tools, their art, their paths, and their protection. And honestly, who can blame them? In a world as unpredictable as theirs, it’s nice to have something you can always count on. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I hear the faint rumble of a rockslide. Time to grab my trusty rock hammer and see what treasures it brings.


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Aug 11, 2024 15:39

Thank you very much for this stonetastic article that you wrote with heart, charm and a wink. I had a lot of fun reading about something as banal as rocks. Congratulations, the article made it into my 10 favorites for the material.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
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