
Journal Entry of Tumber, the Underling Scout

Day 47 in the Wild Lands

  I stumbled upon it today—the dreaded Rotvine. Just the name sends shivers down my spine. This plant is the stuff of nightmares, lurking in the shadows of the Wild Lands, feeding on decay and spreading its malevolent tendrils far and wide.   The Rotvine is a twisted, gnarled mass of dark green and sickly brown vines, pulsating with a life that feels almost sentient. Its leaves are jagged, like the teeth of some ancient beast, and they emit a faint, eerie glow that seems to beckon the unwary closer. The air around it is thick with the stench of rot and decay, a smell so potent it makes my eyes water and my stomach churn.   I’ve heard tales of its dangers, but seeing it up close is something else entirely. This plant is a menace, and it’s no wonder we Underlings avoid it like the plague. Here are four ways the Rotvine can harm animals or Underlings:   Venomous Thorns: The Rotvine’s thorns are coated in a potent venom that can paralyze its victims within moments. One prick, and you’re done for, unable to move as the vines slowly wrap around you, squeezing the life out of you.   Toxic Spores: The plant releases spores into the air that can cause severe respiratory issues. Inhaling these spores can lead to coughing fits, dizziness, and eventually, unconsciousness. Many an unwary traveler has succumbed to these invisible killers.   Carnivorous Tendrils: The Rotvine’s tendrils are not just for show. They actively seek out living creatures, wrapping around them and draining their life force. It’s a slow, agonizing process, leaving behind nothing but a withered husk.   Mind-Altering Pheromones: Perhaps the most insidious of its defenses, the Rotvine emits pheromones that can alter the mind. These chemicals can induce hallucinations, making the victim see and hear things that aren’t there. It’s a cruel trick, leading many to wander deeper into the plant’s deadly embrace.   As I write this, I can still feel the chill of its presence. The Rotvine is a reminder of the dangers that lurk in the Wild Lands, a testament to the harsh reality we Underlings face every day. But we are resilient, and we will continue to survive, no matter what.   I must warn the others. The Rotvine is on the move, and we must be vigilant. Our lives depend on it.   Tumber, Scout of the Underlings  

Journal Entry of Tumber, the Underling Scout

Day 48 in the Wild Lands

  Surviving in the Wild Lands is no small feat, especially with threats like the Rotvine lurking about. But we Underlings are nothing if not resourceful. Over generations, we’ve developed a variety of methods to protect ourselves from the many dangers that surround us.   Protective Gear: We craft armor and clothing from the hides of resilient creatures and the tough bark of ancient trees. This gear is often treated with natural repellents to ward off venomous plants and insects. My own armor has saved me more times than I can count.   Herbal Remedies: Our healers are skilled in the use of herbs and plants to create antidotes and salves. We carry pouches filled with these remedies, ready to counteract poisons and soothe injuries. The scent of crushed leaves and healing balms is a constant companion on our journeys.   Training and Knowledge: Every Underling undergoes rigorous training to recognize and avoid the myriad dangers of the Wild Lands. We learn to identify the signs of a Rotvine infestation, the tracks of predators, and the subtle changes in the environment that signal danger. Knowledge is our first line of defense.   Community and Communication: We never travel alone. Underlings move in groups, watching each other’s backs and sharing information. We use a system of signals and calls to communicate over distances, alerting our kin to threats and guiding them to safety. The bond between us is our greatest strength.   Cunning and Adaptability: Perhaps our most valuable trait is our ability to adapt. We are quick thinkers and problem solvers, always finding new ways to outsmart our enemies. Whether it’s setting traps, using decoys, or finding hidden paths, we use our wits to stay one step ahead of danger.   As I sit here, writing by the light of a flickering fire, I feel a sense of pride in our resilience. The Wild Lands are treacherous, but we Underlings are tougher. We face each day with courage and determination, knowing that together, we can overcome any peril.   Thorne, Scout of the Underlings

Welp. This was my last Summer Camp entry for 2024...and that's 42/42.

WantedHero's Diamond or Die Badge-MUST be 42.png
Crazy?   Yes.   Painful?   Very much so. My fingers hurt as I am typing this.   Good news is, there was a comical badge waiting for me...and anyone else who finished ALL THE PROMPTS.   Meaning, IF you did all 42 out of 42 this year, feel free to place this badge on your site if you like.   Now go eyes are killin' me and I need a nap after writing so long...   The image is #5805847 (and WELL DONE!!)


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Jul 31, 2024 00:56 by E. Christopher Clark

Congrats on hitting 42 and thanks for making that badge. I just posted it to the sidebar of my own Summer Camp article.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jul 31, 2024 04:20 by Jaime Buckley

hehe, I asked Janet if we could have an 'official' badge like that....nooooooooo, the community didn't want that kind of message, but hey, for people like US, wellllll, we like a CHALLENGE, BABY!!

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Aug 28, 2024 16:52

A great entry to end on. Good work this year.   Ad yes, this is a mildly terrifying plant

Check out some of my summer camp articles, like the dangerous flying jackalope or dragon wasps. Or, for something more light-hearted, there is the whimsical language Gobbledygook and Jaden's interesting job as a guano polisher.
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