Sea of Giants

The dens had long been estranged to one another, yet the menace looming over their people as a whole forced a collective treaty. All the dens had gathered, lead by the Watchers, Ro and Ru standing as one. Though the darkness had gained a foothold within the Wild Lands...I AM had reunited the Underlings to their place within nature. A force unmatched.   As the giant vallen emptied onto the bleak western shores, Ro and Ru called upon the ‘gifts’ of their Underling armies to unleash the full fury of the island's natural magic. The ground rumbled as vines and roots erupted from the soil, tangling around the ankles of the lumbering vallen and holding them in place. Gusts of wind whipped up leaves and dust, blinding the giants and knocking them off balance. Rain poured down in sheets, turning the ground to mud and causing the massive vallen to slip and stumble.   The vallen bellowed in anger, slashing at plants and stomping their feet. The forest came alive with the sounds of humming, chanting, and soft whispers as the Underlings called upon their magic. The rustling leaves and branches mimicked the sound of a gentle breeze, the work of the Leafers and Watchers as they created their illusions.   Squirrels and mice scurried underfoot, nibbling on toes and fingers, infuriating the vallen further. From the shoreline, Skimmers rose from the waves, singing hauntingly as they called up massive swells to crash into the giants, dragging some out to sea.   Ro and Ru gazed upon the onslaught with grim determination. They were a somber sight, each one scarred and weary from their battles against the foul creatures that had emerged from the darkness. The land itself seemed to writhe and twist around them, teeming with malevolent energy. Yet I AM remained resolute.   The Wild Lands and all its magic had awoken to defend their home. Though darkness had come, the light still burned bright in the hearts of the Underlings. They would not yield.   The tide of the battle had turned, but at a great cost. Many Underlings lay dead or injured, and the Wild Lands themselves had been irrevocably scarred by the vallen's wrath. Ro and Ru felt the pain of their people as keenly as if it were their own, but they knew there was no time for mourning, for I AM had given them a second chance at safeguarding their home, and they would not squander it   As the last vallen toppled into the raging sea, the surviving Underlings emerged from their hiding places, cautiously cheering and embracing one another. Both joyful and exhausted, they began the arduous task of rebuilding their world. Ro and Ru looked on with pride and hope in their hearts. They knew that while I AM may have put an end to this conflict it wasn't the end for goodness verse evil. Evil would always find its way back into the world in one form or another.


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