Shaping: The way of Underling technology

“Papa, how did the Underlings protect themselves when the Wild Lands was younger?”   “Ah. You want to know more about our people?”   “Yes, papa. I want to learn the craft of shaping, but Shamis said we didn’t always use our gifts to bend the wood and leaves like we do now. Is this true? Was there another way?”   “Then let me explain…”   The Underlings were a small, yet brave and resourceful race. They lived in the deepest parts of the forest, hidden away from the prying eyes of the larger creatures that roamed above. Their homes were burrows dug deep into the soft earth, their villages blending seamlessly with the surrounding foliage. They were known for their craftsmanship, creating intricate tools and weapons from the natural materials around them.   When news spread of a dangerous threat approaching their borders, they knew they needed to prepare for battle. But metal was scarce in their world, and they didn't want to damage the delicate balance of their environment by mining for it. So, they turned to what they knew best: plants and nature.   Under the guidance of their most skilled artisans, they began work on armor crafted from reinforced wood, bark, and plants. They shaped hardened tree trunks into shields that could deflect blows from even the largest beasts. Vines were twisted and woven together to form flexible yet sturdy body armor that protected their torso and limbs. Thorny bushes provided spiked helmets that pierced through enemy attacks.   The process was lengthy and painstaking, but the Underlings worked tirelessly, fueled by a sense of urgency and determination. Sounds of hammering filled the air as they molded pieces of wood together with expert precision. The scent of burning leaves filled the air as they hardened their creations in fiery pits dug deep within the earth. Chattering and giggling could be heard as they worked together, sharing ideas and encouragement along the way.   As days passed, their village slowly transformed into a bustling hub of activity. Every corner was filled with busy Underlings diligently working on creating some new piece of armor or another. Children ran around collecting fallen leaves for fuel while adults oversaw larger projects like creating drop screens made out of thick foliage mixed with sticky sap from certain trees to trap enemies in place while their fellow warriors attacked from behind.   Even though there was no metal involved in this process, the end result was just as formidable if not more so than traditional armor made from metal plating. Each piece fit snugly onto an Underling's body like a second skin, never hindering movement but always providing protection when needed most—even when running through dense underbrush or climbing treacherous tree branches during combat maneuvers!   Amidst all this hard work, however, there was still an underlying sense of fear among them; none had ever encountered anything like this new threat before in their long history within these woods... But despite this looming dread on everyone's minds, there was also an underlying sense of excitement—the thrill that comes with standing up for something you believe in coupled nicely alongside bravery against unknown odds!


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