The Bunkinwickle Affair

Jaime D. Buckley, a human, used a powerful charm crafted by the renowned but slightly eccentric Techno-Mägo, Morphiophelius Smith, who goes by the nickname Chuck (because, as he says, “It’s easier for Gnomes to remember names that sound like something you'd throw”). Chuck’s charms are known for being highly effective but occasionally prone to glitches at the worst possible moments.   Jaime donned this charm to assume the form of a Gnome named Jaime D. “Bunkinwickle”, complete with all the necessary Gnomish features—short stature, large nose, an ever-ticking clock on his waistcoat (to seem more authentic), and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Under this guise, Jaime snuck into Clockworks City, which was illegal for humans, and applied to Clockwork University.  

Jaime’s Admission:

He excelled immediately, impressing the faculty and even outpacing other students in courses like Literary Engineering and Quantum Storycrafting. His unorthodox, out-of-the-box thinking—such as using creative metaphors to explain complex clockwork functions or writing entire dissertations in verse—became the talk of the university. The professors marveled at "Bunkinwickle's" brilliance, and he was fast-tracked into the prestigious PhD in Creative Writing program.  

The Charm’s Failure and the Discovery

Everything was going smoothly until one fateful day when the charm crafted by Chuck (which, it turns out, was powered by a time-based magical oscillator) malfunctioned during Jaime’s dissertation defense! The disguise slipped, and Jaime D. Buckley was revealed in all his human glory in front of the university’s most esteemed faculty members, including the Head Technomancer and several key Techno-Mägo.  

The Faculty’s Shock:

The reaction was a mixture of shock, confusion, and horror as the illegal presence of a human was discovered. The Gnomish laws were clear—no non-Gnome was allowed within Clockworks City without express permission, let alone enrolled in its prestigious university! Some of the more traditional professors called for immediate expulsion and the strict enforcement of the law.  

Jaime’s Defense and the University’s Dilemma

However, Jaime’s contributions to the university were undeniable. He had published groundbreaking work, revolutionized creative thinking, and even invented new methods of storytelling that helped Gnomes better understand complex technological principles.   In a hilarious twist, it was Professor Elsyra Quillfax, one of Jaime’s toughest critics and also the most respected scholar of narrative theory, who stood up and defended him. “Say what you will,” she proclaimed, “but this human has written some of the finest dissertations Clockwork University has ever seen. The Gnomish mind thrives on ingenuity, and Jaime has proven himself worthy of Gnomehood, laws be damned!”  

The Historic Verdict:

After hours of debate, the university came to an unprecedented decision: Jaime D. Buckley, despite being human, would be granted honorary Gnome status and allowed to remain at Clockwork University. His love and respect for the Gnomish people were so apparent in his work, and his contributions so great, that he was seen as “Gnome in spirit if not in form.”  

The Official Exception:

This event became known as the “Bunkinwickle Affair,” and the university had to amend its laws to accommodate this unique situation. Jaime was officially made the first non-Gnome to ever graduate from Clockwork University, and the city council passed the Bunkinwickle Exception, which allows highly accomplished individuals of other races to study within Clockworks City—but only under very specific circumstances.  

Legacy and Comedic Retelling:

In the years following, Jaime’s story has become legendary, told with a mix of admiration and humor. New students hear it during orientation as a lesson in both the power of creativity and the importance of adhering to Gnomish law (while also acknowledging that exceptions can be made for brilliant rule-breakers).   The tale is often retold during the Creative Minds Symposium, where the faculty reenact Jaime’s sudden transformation in an exaggerated, comedic performance. It’s one of the highlights of the university calendar, with actors dramatically pretending to faint when the “human” form is revealed.  

Jaime’s Continued Influence:

Despite the initial scandal, Jaime’s influence on the university has been profound. He continues to visit Clockwork University as an honorary guest lecturer, and his writings are considered required reading for all students in the PhD in Creative Writing program.   His story serves as a reminder that creativity knows no bounds, not even racial ones.   Jaime also became a lifelong friend to Chuck (Morphiophelius Smith), who still insists that the charm worked exactly as intended, except for a “minor temporal misalignment.”


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Sep 10, 2024 21:45 by Deleyna Marr

This is hilarious!

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