The Legend of the Blacklimb Glade

Unta sat by the fire, the warm glow casting flickering shadows on his weathered face as he stirred a pot of stew. The aroma wafted through the den, but his eyes were fixed on the entrance, waiting. Soon enough, the familiar sound of scuffling feet reached his ears.   “Poto,” Unta called, his voice a gentle rumble. “Come, sit with me for a moment. We need to have a little chat.”   Poto appeared, kicking a pebble ahead of him, his expression a mix of defiance and curiosity. “What is it now, Unta? I didn’t do anything… this time.”   Unta chuckled softly, the sound like dry leaves rustling in the wind. “It’s not about what you’ve done, lad. It’s about what you keep doing. I hear you’ve been sneaking off into the woods again. Alone.”   Poto crossed his arms, a stubborn glint in his eye. “So what if I have? The woods are fun! There’s so much to explore, and I’m not afraid of anything out there.”   Unta sighed, his gaze softening with a blend of concern and affection. “Ah, Poto, it’s not about fear. It’s about respect. The woods hold many secrets, some of which are best left undisturbed. Have you ever heard the tale of the Blacklimb Glade?”   Poto rolled his eyes, but there was a flicker of interest he couldn’t quite hide. “Yeah, yeah, the spooky old forest with the big tree and the whispers. It’s just a story to scare kids.”   Leaning in closer, Unta’s voice dropped to a whisper, rich with ancient wisdom. “Oh, it’s more than just a story, my boy. It’s a part of our history, our very essence. And it’s high time you understood why we must heed its warnings.”   Poto’s curiosity got the better of him, despite his best efforts to appear uninterested. “Alright, old man, I’ll bite. What’s so special about this Blacklimb Glade?”   A knowing smile played on Unta’s lips as he gestured for Poto to sit. “Sit down, Poto, and listen well. This isn’t just a tale to scare you. It’s a lesson, one that might just keep you safe on your next adventure.”  

The Legend of the Blacklimb Glade

You see, back in the days when the Skitter Den was just a whisper among the trees, there was a place called the Blacklimb Glade. Now, this wasn’t your ordinary forest. No, sir. The trees there were as black as midnight, and their branches twisted and turned like the gnarled fingers of an old witch.   Long before you or I were even a thought, the Skitter Den was home to a clan of Underlings who were as clever as foxes and as brave as lions. They believed that the Blacklimb Glade was the heart of all magic, a sacred ground where the spirits of our ancestors roamed free.   At the very center of the Glade stood the Great Blacklimb, a tree so massive it seemed to hold up the sky itself. Within its ancient bark lived the spirit of Thalor, an old warrior who had given his life to protect our land from a dark sorcerer. The spirits, in their gratitude, bound Thalor’s soul to the Great Blacklimb, making him the eternal guardian of the Glade.   On nights when the moon was full and bright, the winds in the Blacklimb Glade would carry the voices of the ancestors. They’d whisper secrets and warnings, guiding us and keeping us safe. If you listened real close, you could hear the wisdom of the Skitter Den and the voice of Thalor himself, telling you to mind your manners and stay out of trouble.   But not all was peaceful in the Glade. There was a path, hidden and overgrown, known as the Forbidden Path. Those who dared to walk it were never seen again. It’s said that the path leads to the dark sorcerer’s realm, where he waits, still seeking revenge on Thalor and the spirits of the forest.   Despite the warnings, there were always a few who thought they were braver or smarter than the rest. They’d venture down the Forbidden Path, looking for the sorcerer’s treasure or trying to prove their courage. But none of them ever came back to tell their tale.   The Legacy Lives On Even now, we hold the Blacklimb Glade in both awe and fear. We teach our young ones—like you—the legend of Thalor and the Great Blacklimb, reminding them to respect the spirits and heed the whispers of the wind. This isn’t just a story, lad; it’s our heritage, a reminder of the bravery and wisdom of those who came before us.   "So, next time you think about sneaking off into the woods or ignoring the warnings of your elders, remember the Blacklimb Glade and the fate of those who didn’t listen." Unta grabbed the youths arm firmly and waited for their eyes to connect. Then he grinned warmly. "Now, off you go, and stay out of trouble!"


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Aug 12, 2024 04:11 by Susanne Lamprecht

As usual, Jaime, you did an amazing job here! I love the buildup with someone actually telling the story! This approach is very different to my own, but I do love reading it. I do also love the difference between the two sides, with one believing it to be a myth to scare children, the other holding to the potential truth of the legends. This is, in my opinion, an important part to any myth. So no more talk from my side: Awesome Job!

Vampire loving servant of several chaotic forces.

Current Project: Die verlorenen Legionen

Aug 29, 2024 01:07 by Jaime Buckley

Awww. I am always worried readers are going to think I'm nuts, the way i get involved in my own world, living through the characters.   LOL. Thank you for the kind words =)

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
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Aug 26, 2024 17:43 by Amy Winters-Voss

Quality Myth Badge by Amy Winters-Voss

Your excellent article is in my shortlist (Fox's Picks of the SC 2024 Myth Articles) for the prompt "A myth, urban legend or conspiracy theory believed by many to be true".   I love the story telling here and the cultural lesson!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Aug 29, 2024 01:06 by Jaime Buckley


Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
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