The Mother Tree

Picture a towering, ancient tree, its branches stretching out like protective arms over the Underlings’ village. This isn’t just any tree; it’s a living, breathing sanctuary, teeming with life and magic.  

Appearance and Structure

The Mother Tree stands majestically at the heart of the forest, its trunk wide enough to house an entire community of Underlings. Its bark is a mosaic of textures and colors, with patches of moss and lichen adding to its ancient charm. The branches are adorned with leaves that shimmer in the sunlight, creating a canopy that filters the light into a soft, green glow.  

Role in Underling Society

For the Underlings, the Mother Tree is more than just a home; it’s a symbol of their unity and resilience. They believe the tree has a spirit that watches over them, guiding and protecting their community. The roots of the Mother Tree run deep, intertwining with the roots of other trees, creating a vast underground network that the Underlings use for communication and transportation.  

Daily Life and Activities

The Underlings have transformed the Mother Tree into a bustling hub of activity. They’ve carved out cozy homes within its trunk, complete with winding staircases, hidden passages, and lookout points. Each level of the tree serves a different purpose: the lower levels are for storage and workshops, the middle levels for living quarters, and the upper levels for observation and defense.  

Craftsmanship and Innovation

The Underlings are master craftsmen, using natural materials to create everything they need. They weave leaves and vines into sturdy ropes, carve tools from branches, and even use sap as a natural adhesive. Their homes are decorated with intricate patterns and symbols, each telling a story of their history and culture.  


Despite its serene appearance, the Mother Tree is also a fortress. The Underlings have set up various defenses to protect their home from larger creatures and other threats. They use natural barriers, traps, and even trained animals to keep their community safe.  

Defensive Architecture

The Mother Tree’s structure is inherently defensive. Its thick, gnarled roots form a natural barrier around the base, making it difficult for larger creatures to approach. The trunk itself is fortified with layers of bark that are nearly impenetrable, providing a sturdy shield against external threats.  

Hidden Entrances and Secret Passages

The Underlings have crafted numerous hidden entrances and secret passages within the Mother Tree. These are cleverly concealed by natural elements like vines, leaves, and moss. Only the Underlings know the exact locations and mechanisms to access these hidden pathways, ensuring that intruders are kept at bay.  

Natural Traps and Barriers

Throughout the tree, the Underlings have set up a variety of natural traps and barriers. For instance, they use sticky sap to create adhesive traps that can immobilize intruders. They also employ thorny vines and strategically placed branches to create obstacles that slow down or deter any would-be attackers.  

Lookout Points and Observation Decks

High up in the branches, the Underlings have built lookout points and observation decks. These vantage points allow them to keep an eye on their surroundings and spot potential threats from a distance. The lookouts are equipped with signaling systems, such as reflective leaves or bird calls, to alert the community of any danger.  

Defensive Flora and Fauna

The Underlings have a symbiotic relationship with certain plants and animals that live in and around the Mother Tree. They cultivate defensive flora, such as stinging nettles and poisonous berries, to create natural deterrents. Additionally, they have trained small animals, like birds and squirrels, to act as sentinels and messengers, providing an early warning system against intruders.  

Emergency Shelters and Safe Rooms

Within the Mother Tree, there are designated safe rooms and emergency shelters. These are fortified areas where the Underlings can retreat in times of danger. These shelters are stocked with supplies and are designed to be self-sufficient, ensuring the community’s survival even during prolonged sieges.  

Community Defense Drills

The Underlings regularly conduct community defense drills to ensure everyone knows their role in protecting the Mother Tree. These drills include practicing evacuation routes, setting up defenses, and coordinating with lookout points. This preparedness ensures that the Underlings can respond quickly and effectively to any threat.  

Symbolism and Unity

The defensive aspects of the Mother Tree also serve as a symbol of unity and resilience for the Underlings. Working together to protect their home strengthens their bonds and reinforces their commitment to each other and their way of life. The Mother Tree is the Underlings’ connection to nature and each other. It’s a beacon of hope and a reminder of their resilience. Legends say that the tree was planted by the first Underlings, who were guided by a mystical force to find this perfect spot. Over generations, the tree has grown and flourished, just like the Underling community.   The Mother Tree is not just a home; it’s a living fortress that embodies the Underlings’ ingenuity, bravery, and deep connection to nature.


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Aug 14, 2024 03:38 by Lady Wynter

This is a well thought out article. You list some of the threats, but I am left wondering about a few things. What type of tree is the Mother Tree? What rough weather to they have to contend with?

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