Water Walkers: Skimmers on the run

The little half-tribe of Skimmers had broken off from their main Den with a heartfelt purpose - to find their way back to the wild lands where the other five Skimmer dens lived freely. For too long had they been separated, traversing the Great Forest alone, missing the comforts of kin.   At the head of the ragtag group was the brave Skimma Tiptail. Though young, her heart burned with love for her people and desire to see them reunited. She marched on tirelessly, urging the group through tangled thickets and misty bogs. Some nights they rested in hollow logs or high up in the boughs of ancient trees. They foraged for berries and mushrooms, taking care not to upset the woodland creatures whose domain they trod through.   One day, they came upon a sun-dappled glade dotted with wildflowers. A babbling brook cut through the long grass. The Skimmers paused to refresh themselves in the cool water and graze on clover. As they lounged on the mossy banks, a melodic trilling filled the air. From the reeds fluttered a flock of brightly-colored songbirds.   "Can you help us find the way back to our kin?" chirped Tiptail hopefully.   The birds swooped down in a feathery vortex, beckoning the Skimmers to follow. With renewed vigor, the troupe set off after their new guides. Deeper into the ancient Forest they went, led by the birds' cheery warble. Dappled sunlight streamed through the canopy above. Strange new cries echoed around them. They were getting close now - Tiptail could feel it.   At long last, the trees fell away to reveal a sunlit clearing threaded with streams. There, on the banks, lounged familiar shapes - other Skimmers! Tiptail's heart swelled at the beautiful sight. With joyful shrieks, the two groups rushed together, reuniting after seasons apart. Tiptail had fulfilled her quest. Though the road was long and hard, her love and perseverance brought her people back together. Now they could begin rebuilding their community and thriving as one tribe once more.


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