Rudal Species in Windgone | World Anvil
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A nomadic tribe of peoples hailing from the far northern reaches of Aeleydonia. An extremely docile and peaceful race who is extremely distrusting of outsiders, they are rare outside of their homeland, and uncommonly encountered by explorers who venture into their lands.

Basic Information


A small, foxlike race, sporting disproportionately large ears for listening to threats and prey in the snow. Fur patterns and color ranges from plain brown to white with gray camouflage striping. Rudal have clawed paws and digitigrade feet. In the particularly cold portions of the year, Rudal grow additional fur, insulating them and becoming a minor event for courting.

Genetics and Reproduction

Rudal reproduce sexually, with a standard 8 - 9 month period of gestation. A typical Rudal female will give birth to one to two kits at a time, and average about 8 children before they are unable to reproduce.

Ecology and Habitats

Rudal inhabit the farthest reaches of the northen Aeleydonian continent.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rudal eat found berries and other types of edible plants in the warm times of the year, while they hunt and cure meat and wild game for storing and consuming in the later times when the foliage freezes.

Biological Cycle

The most notable seasonal change for the Rudal is in the coldest seasons, they will produce an extra layer of fur, which will shed once the warm weather arrives.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Large ears, pointed snout and small nose for sniffing out small prey

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Northern Aeleydonia; Bothwind Peninsula

Average Intelligence

Sentient, nomadic tribe

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Rudal have extra sensitive hearing and smell due to nomadic lifestyle, leading more sedentary species to think of them as feral and uncivilized. While not particularly attuned to magic, Rudal have an acute sensitivity to shamanistic and healing power derived from their natural surroundings.
Scientific Name
Rudal Borealis
100 years
Average Height
1-4 feet
Average Weight
50 lbs
Average Physique
Slim, agile
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Range from dull brown to white with gray striping

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