Parana Wavedance


Captain Wavedance is a female Felisean. At 5ft 6in (168cm) and 157lb (71kg), she is on the taller side of average for her parentage. She is typically seen wearing the formal jacket and plumed tricorn hat of a Tyrnabay naval captain, both bright red in color with an abundance of gold brocade and trim.

First Impression

If encountered on the deck of her ship, the Lakeracer, or on the docks alongside it, there will be no doubt to any observer that she is the one that is in command. Despite the fact that many of her crew and the dockworkers surrounding her are considerably taller and heftier, she is the clear authority figure. Her neat apperance and constantly roaming gaze make it clear she has good attention for detail; little would escape the Captain's eye.

If encountered in a social situation, Parana is well mannered and gracious. She wishes to be accepted among the well-off folk of Sweetwater, and not seen as just another crude sailor.
Full Name
Parana Wavedance
Primary Location
Sweetwater Docks / Lakeracer
Captain/Master of the Lakeracer

Date of Birth
11 Time of Caleran's Crown, 2222CR

Important Associates

GM Only - Goal/Attitude/Stake


Captain Wavedance's goal is to eventually retire to the life of luxury she sees being enjoyed by the well-off retirees that call Sweetwater home. The recent contract with the Marquis to keep his expedition stocked will go a long way toward her achieving this - provided she can deliver reliably!


When encountered on or near her ship, she leaves no doubt that she is in command. If her crew aren't performing to her expecations, she won't hesitate to let them know in rather colorful language. If her attention is interrupted - perhaps by an inquisitive adventurer - she will be annoyed at the distraction (and her rapidly increased tail twitching will make this clear). If she deems the interruption - or interrupter - unimportant, she'll ignore it. Othewise, she will respond tersely, often without bothering to make eye contact.

When encountered away from the docks, she is well mannered and pleasant, seeking to make a good impression among the well-off folk she hopes to be a part of in the future.


Delivering her cargo (or passengers) safely and on time is of paramount importance to her success. In the Case of the Wayward Wine, she knows that she must deliver both adventurers and "precious cargo" in order to be perceived as successful.


Page Banner Orc Warrior Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay
Page Banner Sailing Ship Image by GLady from Pixabay


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