Reptisssa Mee'zask

To the rest of the Folk of Cartyrion, the Taxlatl are a complex people. This is due in no small measure to their relationships with the Astralar responsible for their creation: the Reptisssar. The personailities of the lizardfolk deities are diverse; their opinions regarding the multiverse around them are quite varied - and sometimes quite extreme. And one of the most extreme is the deity called Reptisssa Mee'zask, the God who Sows Chaos.

The Sower of Chaos

The strict literal translation of the god's Taxlatl name is "the deity who does chaos". As with all the Reptisssar, if the being has a true name, it is not known to the mortals of Cartyrion - not even to the priests devoted to them. In fact, less is probably known or understood about this deity than any other in the Reptisssar or any other pantheon. Depictions of the god in Taxlatl art going back thousands of years are widely varied, with the being sometimes depicted as male, sometimes as female, sometimes large and dominating, other times as a nondescript shadow lurking in a corner.

When the Great Strife erupted, Reptisssa Mee'zask was the first non-Orokar deities to join Ghaa’raagh the Render. Though their priests and devotees were relatively few, the discontent and discord they began to sow among the Taxlatl people was sufficient to entice the other Reptisssar gods to ultimately join with the The Gods of Coercion - all except Reptisssar Lagar, As a consequence, Reptisssa Mee'zask was among the gods judged and condemned by the victorious The Gods of Consent, and hence is now one of the The Imprisoned Ones.


It is not unusual for any of the common lizardfolk - or those serving as priests to the other Reptisssar gods - to occasionally utter a prayer asking the god to leave them alone, or to remove a madness from some afflicted individual. The common prayers of most Taxlatl include an acknowledgement of Reptisssa Mee'zask and an imploration to be spared the confusion, insanity, and unpredictability that the god is said to be capable of causing despite being locked away.
Reptisssar Mee'zask
True Name
Alternate Names
The Sower of Chaos
the Bringer of Chaos
the Bringer of Discord
Chaos, DIscord, Confusion, Insanity
Three intertwined swirling clouds
Preferred Weapon
Three-star flail

While there is no open, formal priesthood devoted to the deity today, this was not always the case. Prior to the Great Strife, the devotees of Reptisssa Mee'zask were few, but worshipped openly. But since the end of the god-war, these failtful, who call themselves Sal'mee'zask, or the Servants of Mee'zask practice their rituals in secret, as they are considered outlaws among the Taxlatl people today.

Nevertheless, small cults of zealous followers of Reptisssa Mee'zask are believed to exist across all of Cartyrion wherever Taxlatl live, praying to strengthen their deity and longing for the day when they are released from - or escape - their prison. The existence of these dangerous cults has brought about the rise of another group of Taxlat in the past fifty years or so: the Mesakhar'ssalah, or Peacekeepers, devoted to rooting out these cults and preventing Reptisssa Mee'zask from ever threatening Cartyrion again.


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